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When you're about to play the game but see the upcoming patchnotes


I play magsorc and stamcro that loves DoT. I took a 3 month break from the game and think about heading back in when this zos just let us have fun
Do i need to keep my break up to wait for the game to be fun again?
Edited by NorthernNightmare on September 21, 2019 10:07AM
  • gronoxvx
    Bye then.
  • Vahrokh

    I play magsorc and stamcro that loves DoT. I took a 3 month break from the game and think about heading back in when this zos just let us have fun

    Best solution: just don't resub and be done with it. That's what I've done.
  • Tandor
    I'm glad you made a separate thread for your opinion, the importance of which meant it needed to be highlighted over and above all the others.
  • NorthernNightmare
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm glad you made a separate thread for your opinion, the importance of which meant it needed to be highlighted over and above all the others.

    i more so wanted to post a meme, its 6am
    besides this is general chat,what else are e gonna talk about but game stuff?
  • Bryath
  • Hallothiel
    Why not wait & give it a try yourself rather than rely on the unsubstantiated complaints of others?

    Or you can be dramatic & post about quitting. Your call.
  • Banana
    Give it another month
  • Cadbury
    Banana wrote: »
    Give it another month

    U40 is gonna blow your mind.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Numerikuu
    Banana wrote: »
    Give it another month

  • Narvuntien
    So they do actually make changes based on feedback...
    its the first week, come back in 2 weeks to see how the PTS has changed.

    I do understand why you'll be disinterested in leveling or gearing a character atm though, I hopped on my stamwarden and leveled up Swarm but I took off degeneration from all my characters.

    I actually haven't played my Pet Sorc for months because they got killed last patch.

    I helps to have multiple characters its rare they all get nerfed...
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    I play magsorc and stamcro that loves DoT. I took a 3 month break from the game and think about heading back in when this zos just let us have fun
    Do i need to keep my break up to wait for the game to be fun again?

    Can I have your stuff?

  • tgrippa
    As much as people may want to bash OP about this post, there are many veteran players who are feeling this way and that is a bad thing for the game.
  • Bryath
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Why not wait & give it a try yourself rather than rely on the unsubstantiated complaints of others?

    Or you can be dramatic & post about quitting. Your call.

    There isn't really any need to try it when you can look at the patch notes and see the numbers right there. For myself, I've switched out the skills that are set to become useless and am trying to get used to it ahead of time.
  • Major_Lag
    Screw this garbage, I'm sick of constantly re-adapting to an entirely new game every 3 months.

    I'm OK with (reasonable) nerfs; obviously if there is to be any degree of balance then some things have to be nerfed - and others buffed - to achieve that state.

    But Scalebreaker and Dragonhold are just 2 brain-dead ping-pong updates with no long term direction and no "island of stability" in sight.
  • bluebird
    Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you... the Elsweyr-Dragonhold Graphic Novel!!!

    :disappointed: ZOS Y u do dis...
  • Haquor
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Why not wait & give it a try yourself rather than rely on the unsubstantiated complaints of others?

    Or you can be dramatic & post about quitting. Your call.

    He read the patch notes. Wasnt relying on unsubstantiated complaints.
  • Kurat
    Patch notes look bad I know. But hop on pts and test yourself. I only had time to test 2 of my toons, a magden and stamsorc. And I was surprised. I expected to lose 30-40% of dps but lost around 15%. And I didn't make any changes, same gear, skills and rotation as currently on live. With some tweeks we may only see 10% loss.
    Forum is full of 'omg half dps gone' posts. Its simply not true, ppl need to calm down and test it yourself. So if you are currently doing close or above 50k then you will still pull 40k after the patch which is more than enough for any content.
  • redspecter23
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Why not wait & give it a try yourself rather than rely on the unsubstantiated complaints of others?

    Or you can be dramatic & post about quitting. Your call.

    Yeah, my boss came to me the other day and told me my pay would be cut by 30%. I said I was unhappy with that and would be leaving once I found another job. He was really confused that I didn't want to stick around a few more months to "try it out myself" instead I opted to go with the math presented to me.
  • Grandma
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Why not wait & give it a try yourself rather than rely on the unsubstantiated complaints of others?

    Or you can be dramatic & post about quitting. Your call.

    Yeah, my boss came to me the other day and told me my pay would be cut by 30%. I said I was unhappy with that and would be leaving once I found another job. He was really confused that I didn't want to stick around a few more months to "try it out myself" instead I opted to go with the math presented to me.

    the math presented to you by people who aren't 100% sure about how things work, 4 cycles before the change goes live, yeah. Lots of *** changes between now and then. Make your decision once the ACTUAL patch notes go live, not based on the first week of pts. First week of pts always had stuff like shield cast time, single use single cast orb, etc. but none of it went live the way it was and it was still usable/even better after.

    People who are already making their dramatic posts are just looking for something to whine about. Yeah i'm pretty pissed about the pts notes too, but there's still 4 weeks, a lot changes, and a lot can be adapted in ways we don't know about yet.
    GH / 3/04/2021 / Elemental Catalyst Necromancer
  • StormeReigns
    Not even remotely the worse patch notes. Not even the worse patch notes from any MMO in the last 5 years, let alone in a single year.
  • Cadbury
    Just be glad they haven't nerfed direct damage skills...
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • DoonerSeraph
    Cadbury wrote: »
    Just be glad they haven't nerfed direct damage skills...

  • Holycannoli
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Not even remotely the worse patch notes. Not even the worse patch notes from any MMO in the last 5 years, let alone in a single year.

    Then how do you explain this nonsense:

    August patch Poison Injection changes:

    Poison Arrow:
    Increased the cost to 2700 from 2430 on all morphs.
    Decreased the initial hit damage by approximately 17% on all morphs.
    Increased the damage over time portion on all morphs by approximately 78% per tick.
    Venom Arrow (morph): This ability now ranks up in cost reduction rather than 1.1% damage; the final base cost is 2430.
    Poison Injection (morph): Reduced the total execute multiplier of this morph to 100% from 260%.

    So let's say the DoT portion of Poison Injection was 1,000 (easy number to use). With this patch the skill costs more, the initial hit is less and the execute multiplier is nerfed from 260% to 100%, but the DOT damage increased from 1,000 to 1,780. That makes up for the loss of execute and it's still a good skill to slot.

    PTS patch Poison Injection is this:

    Poison Arrow: Decreased the damage per tick of this ability and its morphs by approximately 63%.

    So now damage is nerfed from 1,780 to 659 plus it still carries over the nerfs from August. It still costs more, hits less initially, and has a nerfed execute. It is significantly worse now than before the August patch. Complete and utter nonsense.

    And that's not the only DoT that received a maul to the face. So how is that "not even remotely the worse patch notes"? The reason people are up in arms is because they didn't revert the August changes, they nerfed the skills to be even worse what they were before August.
    Edited by Holycannoli on September 22, 2019 12:30PM
  • ZOS_JesC
    Greetings, we've closed this thread as we have several other threads open on this topic.
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