Ive said it before. If sets like relequen, sororia, maybe even false gods and lokkestiiz were removed from the game (especially perfected versions), top tier dps immediately goes down 10k. This would not affect casuals, and would serve to bring top and bottom tier dps closer together. Now, I’m not advocating for the removal of these sets, I use them all myself, but seems like tuning them down a bit would be a better choice than nerfing all dots, which will affect everyone (arguably casual players more). It is not CP that is the main culprit behind power creep. The huge dps jump came around Summerset, when 2-handed weapons started counting for 2-pieces, and the introduction of sets like sororia and relequen. I remember my dps going up about 10k on the 3m dummy.Will they be returned?
Who knows, honestly?
DoTs went from hella strong to not worth running in literally 3 months. In the next 3 months, that could again be flipped. Such is the schizophrenic way of balance in this game.
As it stands now, poison injection not worth running without a master bow, rending slashes pretty much the same.
DK's who's entire class identity was DoTs are really going to feel this in Dragonhold.
I feel like, personally, this patch is one big thumb in the eye because this community constantly asks for nerfs, so the devs just said nerf all the things. No way any sane individual thinks nerfing something by huge margins of 60% will just be aces.
If Zos wanted to fix power creep, they'd be looking at sets like Relequen, not messing with abilities. There's a reason every single stam DD player runs this thing.
The huge dps jump came around Summerset, when 2-handed weapons started counting for 2-pieces, and the introduction of sets like sororia and relequen. I remember my dps going up about 10k on the 3m dummy.