Good Afternoon Everyone,
It's nice that ZoS and the Dev's thought that by placing a 30 day Faction lock on Cyrodiil would fix the 'Cross Faction Jumping" in the middle of a campaign, but all that's done is create some MAJOR IMBALANCES to the factions. It would seem that the majority of folks playing the game have toons in each faction, and enjoy jumping the fence to play as their guilds in those factions call for.
This creates a deficiency in the other factions while creating multiple 100-man raids in the faction of choice that would run the map and control the entire map for the whole campaign. Clearly this is FRUSTRATING for those of us who have chosen to be "Purist" and play one faction. This cannot continue for the large scale PvP action in Cyrodiil.
What I would propose is to adapt the Faction style used in games such as Dark Age of Camelot and AION: You get ONE CHOICE for your faction. ALL characters made under that account are LOCKED INTO THAT FACTION.
Now with those folks with multiple faction characters, I'm quite sure they will scream "FOUL" on this suggestion, but there's a SIMPLE FIX for this: Simply give them all 30 days to choose a faction they wish to move all their characters to for free (Faction change tokens if you like), but after that 30 days, if they did not make the choice to "choose freely", then the first character they log into would become the faction of choice. All non-faction characters would be 'GRAYED" out and made unplayable until they pay to have them unlocked.
On ALL future accounts created after the implementation of the new rules can have the "Be advised that you can have only one faction per account. Once you've chosen a faction and created a character, the faction choice is LOCKED. If you want to change to another faction, you would have to pay for it, or delete your current faction character(s) before being able to do so under your current account."
THIS will fix the imbalance currently felt across Cyrodiil, and return ORDER to something truly GREAT without any large scale crying.
Thank you all. have yourself a "Wonderful time in the World that ZoS has built."
Death: Harvester of Souls
"Where she stands, Raids die... Come to me... The time for the harvest is at hand!"