Battleground Queue

Can we please get all the games separated?

Some people don't like certain game modes but they are tied to the ones they actually want to play. As an example.. "Flag Games" have Chaos Ball and Capture the Relic but some people only want to play Capture the Relic and NOT Chaos Ball etc. So when they queue into games they have a 50% chance of being in a game they don't even want.

I myself am trying to get certain achievements and don't need Chaos ball but have been getting 3 Chaos Balls to 1 Capture the Relic over the last 20 games.. Im starting to just leave the BG and go play other games for 20 minutes and trying again after..

Just separate them so people can play which ever one they want for what ever reason they want..

Even if the queues are longer for those people who want a particular game..
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