ZoS shook it up a bit this time and scrambled the order of the items, so I have assigned them to themes based on the current calendar of themes. (normally the item ids are sequential, as in 20, 21, 22, 23 etc, and line up perfectly with theme order)
Ancient OrcOrcish Seal, Wolf
Orcish Seal, Hammer
Orcish Seal, Malacath
Orcish Seal, Battle-Axe
RieklingRiekling Banner, Wolf Pelt
Riekling Banner, Boar Pelt
Ayleid Sconce, Empty (we have a different item with this name, I bug reported and hopefully they will change it)
Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Serpent
Nothing I found so far seems to fit into this theme...
Hew's BaneRa Gada Statue, Seated Lion Ibis
Ra Gada Throne, Stone
Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Miniature Ibis
Redguard Tent, Rounded Blue
FishingPlatform, Floating Dock
Anchor, Hanging
FloraGarlas Alipinia, Branching
Plant, Luminescent Valeflower
ShrinesAlinor Shrine, Magnus
Alinor Shrine, Phynaster
b]Pedestal, Dark Stone[/b]
Azure Plasm Cage, Hanging
Gate, Spiked Iron
Skeletal Remains, Slumped Over