Genuine suggestion.
Think about what it could solve in relation to the latest outcry after this quarters dramatic changes.
Devs have always struggled to achieve 3 things:
- balance classes
- reduce power creep
- minimize dps gap
And every quarter we are treated to a maelstrom of changes as devs struggle to hit a moving target.
So what if we just capped dps? Let's say 40 or 50k. It would stop power creep, reduce the gap and result in all classes being equal from a dps perspective.
It would allow the scope to give class skills their own unique flavour.
It would also give a consistancy to dps output that would stop the huge changes every quarter and would give devs a fixed dps base to design content around.
All my housing builds are available on YouTube
I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.