All these nerfs for the servers....smh
Instead of dealing with the largest community complaint that has been the biggest and the loudest for years, Zos's vision is to nerf and nerf. Taking away remotely anything that makes the game fun with a smidgen of skill and destroy what made the game unique in the first place.
Zos already has new greedy ideas for the crown store. Though when it has come to the servers, to hiring better people, and putting more resources where they are truly needed, Zos just chose the cheapest and worse way to go about things.
Today's patch notes are a middle finger to every customer that has supported this game over the years.
If this is their vision, then I am sure they are blind and a lot of people beyond myself have ended ESO+. Until they decide to get their passion back for not just the game but the players that have supported it.
Diversity and Class identity have been dying for far too long....