I mostly play PVE in ESO. The other MMO i have played a lot before was WOW and have played both PVE and PVP there and i enjoy both modes of gameplay. Just recently i dabbled a little bit in PVP mainly to unlock the vigor skill so i did a bit of bgs and went to Cyrodiil to check it out. I died a lot but I had fun. It just made me think and I talked with few PvPers and got some tips, checked online to try to be better in PVP etc and I do see a lot of potential to have fun in PVP if i could optimise my character a bit to be better in PVP. I am not much into creating multiple characters and stick to one for everything. Here's a few things i could find to try to fix my performance in PVP,
1. Gear - Most probably I need different gear set up for PVP (WOW had that option and I do remember having different gear setups pre saved to be able to switch with a button press when switching to PVP gameplay). In ESO i find it very tedious to try to farm PVP gear (mainly due to lack of bag / bank space) and change them one by one. I have heard about addons that do it so maybe that isn’t a real problem but just an inconvenience that can be worked around.
2. Bag space - Lack of bag space to farm PVP gear. This once again is maybe just an inconvenience that I can figure out with some management. I am not a ESO plus subscriber.
3. Different CP build – This I most definitely need and its not just an inconvenience , I want and need to use different builds for PVP and PVE. They can be done by going to the CP screen every time and pay a fee for it but I just don’t want (and can't afford) to do that multiple times. I want to be able to switch my builds when I am going to play PVP.
4. Attributes - Same points as CP builds.
5. Skills and morphs - WOW didn’t have this problem due to the nature of combat system there. In ESO I want to have a different set of skills and maybe weapons on my bar , I would like to use some of the morphs of the skills for PVP but want to use the second morph for PVE. We could get the option to unlock both morphs for the cost of a skill point for each as normal and pick the one we want to use in our bar. Manually changing the skills on bar every time for a game mode isn't appealing to me but still its an inconvenience that I can overcome for skills and weapon swaps. For morphs I feel it is a need as going to the shrine to change it for a fee is just something I can't afford to and not going to do multiple times.
I am just suggesting a character to have at least two swappable builds (attributes, CP, gear sets and skills and morphs) for no cost of gold, so that people like me who want to play both PVE and PVP on the same character can do so without having a feeling of inadequacy. More than two swappable builds would be great for characters that want to play different roles too.
Edited by wanders_the_swamps on September 14, 2019 4:10PM