Just for fun, while levelling my magNB, I tried putting Soul Trap and Degen (from stealth) on a good PvPer who was busy fighting one of my allies in IC.
It was a PvE build and the offensive stats were far from spectacular (being on a ~lvl 30 character), but it was hitting good enough for some serious stack-and-burn grinding.
As expected, this accomplished... absolutely nothing, outside of mildly annoying the enemy player.
After about 2 minutes of DoTting him up, while he was still busy 1v1'ing my ally, I concluded that the fight is obviously hopeless and moved on.
Just for fun, later I tried the same approach on an assortment of random PvPers in Cyrodiil... same deal, it had about as much effect as throwing pies at them.
And on the flip side, I also got some DoTs on me while I was in Cyro grinding for geodes last week. It did... pretty much nothing really, a tiny amount of DPS that I could easily outheal.
Now, if you had 10-20 enemy players on you and they all spam their DoTs, that's a different story altogether.
No, I did not have a proper build. It was a PvE stack-and-burn grinding build, also with somewhat outlevelled gear (by about 10 levels).You're doing it wrong or didn't have a proper build.
No, I did not have a proper build. It was a PvE stack-and-burn grinding build, also with somewhat outlevelled gear (by about 10 levels).You're doing it wrong or didn't have a proper build.
On a proper build, I'd imagine the DoT tooltips would be 3-4x larger. But nothing multiplied by 4x is still nothing.
Taken to an extreme, spamming as many DoTs as possible on a build stacked for DoTs and nothing else, you can kill potatoes.
But then again, you can do that just fine with any other minmaxed build, so nothing new there.
Actually the reason I rolled a magNB was specifically to give that kind of gameplay a try, but my character isn't even close to being ready for real PvP yet.
DoT getting buffed was a nice change, but I’m pretty sure most people agree that the numbers are a tad bit too high in general (not just soul trap and entropy, dots in general). What would make things more interesting would be something like changing destructive touch’s base dmg to deal a bit more (which buffs clench as well since it sucks atm) while reducing dot duration of reach to maybe 5s while tuning down a bit of the other DoT damage. That way we don’t always get 10s dots for every single skill while introducing a bit of variety. As for NB their cloak was already quite OP but that is their main selling point. Tbh I think cloak fatigue like streak fatigue would make a lot of sense.
Right. But in the same post I also said that I did get hit with some incidental DoTs in Cyro (in largescale fights), and the damage from that was pitifully low.leepalmer95 wrote: »Thats not how it works at all, you cant say they deal nothing when tested on a crappy build.
leepalmer95 wrote: »DoT getting buffed was a nice change, but I’m pretty sure most people agree that the numbers are a tad bit too high in general (not just soul trap and entropy, dots in general). What would make things more interesting would be something like changing destructive touch’s base dmg to deal a bit more (which buffs clench as well since it sucks atm) while reducing dot duration of reach to maybe 5s while tuning down a bit of the other DoT damage. That way we don’t always get 10s dots for every single skill while introducing a bit of variety. As for NB their cloak was already quite OP but that is their main selling point. Tbh I think cloak fatigue like streak fatigue would make a lot of sense.
Cloak is borderline useless now.
Right. But in the same post I also said that I did get hit with some incidental DoTs in Cyro (in largescale fights), and the damage from that was pitifully low.leepalmer95 wrote: »Thats not how it works at all, you cant say they deal nothing when tested on a crappy build.
Based on the lack of general uproar about DoTs, and my own (admittedly limited) experience in the matter, it looks to me like the DoTs are in a similar spot now as Sorc Overload was pre-Scalebreaker.
Which is to say - completely useless, unless you build specifically for it.
Purge needs to be XX% cheaper and have both magicka and stamina morphs. In PvP, there should be a cap on number of instances of DOTs on any single player.
When these relatively minor changes in response to all the DOT whining are not done, and they likely won't be, and instead some ridiculous further shakeup of skills emerges from ZOS, my enthusiasm to play this game is going to drop even lower than the basement it's in now.
When I first played ESO back in 2017, one shots were prevalent via proc sets and skills with different timers that could be cast to hit near simultaneously. The nerf crying then was reasonable because there was little counterplay possible. One second you are alive, the very next second you are dead. That's not fun.
The DOT crying now is not reasonable, and the way you know it's not is people asking for nerfs instead of buffed counterplay options. They will cry to nerf whatever kills them next too, watch. Some things never change with these games.
And trying to weave in some "nerf cloak" whining is pretty slimy IMO.
has anyone tried to combine Stendarr's, Wyrd tree and Curse eater (in any set up)?
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »
Can't decide if the first or the second paragraph makes less sense ...
Can't decide if the first or the second paragraph makes less sense ...
I found neither makes any sense. The first is looking at things in an overly simplistic manner. The second shows a lack of understanding of how to deal with a cloaking player. It is quite fun once you get a hang of it but it is a skill thing.
has anyone tried to combine Stendarr's, Wyrd tree and Curse eater (in any set up)?
Can't decide if the first or the second paragraph makes less sense ...
I found neither makes any sense. The first is looking at things in an overly simplistic manner. The second shows a lack of understanding of how to deal with a cloaking player. It is quite fun once you get a hang of it but it is a skill thing.
I never said I have issues dealing with Cloak (as long as I can get in range lol).
You guys aren't listening - the only class that these DOTs are exceptionally strong on is magblade. I don't want to see these DOTs nerfed because of it.
@idk there is nothing overly simplistic about the fact that both skills deal strike damage and they should have a 1 second delay. Like really?