Items would continue to drop as they normally do. This would be in addition to what we currently have.
Numbers are examples to provide an idea of how framework would work. This is a simple discussion about a theoretical game mechanic, not a suggestion for developers.
Increase perceived value of crafting even further as a game function without necessarily devaluing item drops.
Provide a ceiling on item drops within dungeons. Guarantee a specific drop after x runs instead of gambling after many. This makes all gear, especially weapons and jewelry within reach.
Increase perceived value of veteran dungeons and hard mode configurations. Esp. DLC dungeons.
Increase perceived value of basic crafting materials.
Scope: All 4-man veteran dungeons, excluding arenas and normal difficulty.
Crafting Functionality:
Crafting stations in or near dungeon (in overworld) for all sets found within the dungeon.
Requires specific material found in dungeon. Material is specific to each dungeon. Dungeons with a I and II version share the same material. Material is consumed in place of the style material. Crafted sets are Bind on Pickup. Material is Bind on Pickup.
Material looted in dungeon may be traded with partners following standard dungeon trading rules. Crafted items may not be traded with partners.
Material comes in 2 flavors: refined and unrefined. 10 instances of unrefined material may be used to create 1 refined material.
Pauldrons, sashes, boots, and gloves cost 1-3 materials to craft.
Helmets, chest, and leg pieces cost 3-5 materials to craft.
One handed weapons and shields cost 3-5 materials to craft.
Jewelry and two handed weapons cost 5-7 materials to craft.
Drop Rate Functionality:
Basic enemies and containers (eg. Backpacks, bags, cupboards, etc.) within dungeons drop unrefined material at a very low rate: <1%
Elite enemies drop unrefined material at a very low rate: 1%
Mini bosses drop unrefined material at a low rate: 1-5%
Regular bosses drop unrefined material at a medium rate: 5-10%
Final boss drops unrefined material at a high rate: 25-50%
Hard mode drops unrefined material at a very high rate: 100%
Hard mode drops refined material at a very low rate: 1%
Chests drop material based on chest quality: Novice: Does not drop
Apprentice: Very low: <1%
Adept: Low: 1-5%
Expert: Low: 5-10%
Legendary: Medium: 10-20%
Legendary chests have a .5% to drop 1 refined material.
Further Application: Framework is easily extended to arenas & trials.
Edited by Somewhere on September 5, 2019 11:18PM