Crown crate rotations

Soul Shriven
I am a huge crown store fanatic and love the crates, HOWEVER I am absolutely hating the rotation time. 3 months of the same damn crate? Really? I mean 2 months is pushing it but ugh! I do LOVE that you added the burning crates in with the bandari last month, gave us something else (had I not had every single item already) to spend crowns on. I really wish you would consider quicker rotations on the crates.
Edited by Darkest_Light7769 on September 4, 2019 3:45AM
  • bluebird
    Well, they do that with everything not just the Crown Crates. It often takes a year before you see certain houses/costumes/mounts again. Don't really understand the rationale, since ESO has a ton of currently retired items that ZOS could just sell more frequently, but there you go, they just have them gathering dust.
  • ku5h
    ✭✭✭✭✭ First of all, say no to gambling. Second, don't invest in broken product. It just reassures ZoS that ppl are content with the performance we have now.
    Not that i would ever presume to tell ppl how to spend their money.

  • MartiniDaniels
    bluebird wrote: »
    Well, they do that with everything not just the Crown Crates. It often takes a year before you see certain houses/costumes/mounts again. Don't really understand the rationale, since ESO has a ton of currently retired items that ZOS could just sell more frequently, but there you go, they just have them gathering dust.

    This is quite simple, to charge enormous prices for re-skins they should be limited edition ones. If they will hang in CS 24/7/365 nobody will buy them.
  • snoozy
    while i don't support the business model, i do have a bunch of grown gems saved up from free crates...

    anyone know when the wild hunt season might return?

    i agree with op in that a quicker rotation would be nice, you wouldn't necessarily have to spend more but you could get the stuff you want more quickly.
    PC EU
  • Darkest_Light7769
    Soul Shriven
    Nemesis, what does your post have to do with my comment? I dont "need" anything or it's not a compulsion, I simply would like the plot to change more often.
  • Darkest_Light7769
    Soul Shriven
    Ku5h Its not a gambling problem, why are people freaking out saying this is an addiction or a gamble. I'm not buying boxes " to gamble" I'm buying boxes for the product that is in them.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Wow, I didn't realize they had implemented a cast time on crown crate rotations. Poor crown crates will probably lose some dps over that.

    Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Czekoludek
    Ku5h Its not a gambling problem, why are people freaking out saying this is an addiction or a gamble. I'm not buying boxes " to gamble" I'm buying boxes for the product that is in them.

    In reality you buy boxes for a chance to get a product that you want get. And the chance here is a problem. Nobody will tell you that buying a mount for 3k is gambling but buying creates for a chance to get the mount is gambling
  • jainiadral
    Ku5h Its not a gambling problem, why are people freaking out saying this is an addiction or a gamble. I'm not buying boxes " to gamble" I'm buying boxes for the product that is in them.

    Because around here people like to foist their personal values on to other people so they can feel morally superior. And crates and lockboxes are the current target of gamer rage throughout the industry. Unfortunately, you're on the wrong side of the trend.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Ku5h Its not a gambling problem, why are people freaking out saying this is an addiction or a gamble. I'm not buying boxes " to gamble" I'm buying boxes for the product that is in them.

    It takes a long time for the Art Team to output these creations, @Darkest_Light7769.

    One of the main reasons for the long time in between crate seasons ... which by the way has nothing to do with the morality of buying them.
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