This is "New"???
Any Race, Any alliance has been in the damned shop since like 2016.

If three years old is called "new", I'm starting to understand why all those six-month old bugs are unfixed... I mean, they just heard about them Yesterday! >->
twitch.tv/linearparadoxBenthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
CP 1100+