Dear Bethesda @ Zenimax
Please add more armor that exposes abdominal muscles of player characters. There are a few select choices, but they are very basic and reveal more than just the abs of my characters. Ab armor is a quintessential part of any roleplaying video game, especially one as fleshed out as ES:O. With all the beautiful cosmetic choices for armor and clothing, I am both shocked and appalled at the lack of proper ab-exposing armor in this video game. Sure you could make the argument that it isn't practical but if we were to open that can of worms we'd be talking about impracticality in elder scrolls until the cows come home. The ass and *** crowd - even the feet crowd gets more love in ES:O than the ab crowd does. It's a shame, especially since big-named titles Warcraft, Star Wars, and even DOOM (bethesda/zenimax owned video game) have had ab armor regularly in their video game titles.