Shadowasrial wrote: »Anyone else miss the days you could melt unsuspecting targets?
VaranisArano wrote: »
Intentionally or not, this comes off as a sad "Woe is me, I can't solo kill anyone who's not a newbie anymore" complaint.
what do you mean it was a ganking meta. people were complaining about heavy meta. how is that possible?
Plus with new fear and onslaught i dont think it is over. i still gank as usual and have usual results. sometimes it works sometimes not.
people who vilify a playstyle are an interesting bunch tho. or dumb?
Shadowasrial wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »
Intentionally or not, this comes off as a sad "Woe is me, I can't solo kill anyone who's not a newbie anymore" complaint.
What I’m saying is I miss not being forced to be in a large group to accomplish anything
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »These is the result of months of GankBlade META. Make players go more tanky to survive and get a chance to counter gankers.
Instead of players relying on self for damage and being gankable. They decided to go full tank mode solely relying on strength in numbers to damage other players.
Ganking is only fun for the ganker because they victim don't get to fight back.
My advice to you, is to get gud at fighting harden targets. Or do what the streamers do and group up with like minded players and perform coordinated group ganking or group v zerg combat.
Shadowasrial wrote: »Unless you are targeting a pve scrub in pvp any attempts to gank are now virtually impossible. The days where a solo pvp assassin could effectively harass a group are over. Single target burst is impractical as most players running around with 35k+ health and near capped resistance. Anyone else miss the days you could melt unsuspecting targets?
Quantity is an quality in its own.Shadowasrial wrote: »
As much as I do dislike ganking. It is an "art" form; so to speak.
It is one part of the two sides of the same coin. Those who can, do. And those who can't, are ganked.
The art of it lies within those who claim Ganking is bad...
Those who can't, often, vast majority of the time - speak out against ganking. Believing they are righteous, honorable, and truthful. Despite they often are the ones lying, and practice ganking every ample opportunity they can get - and will deny their very actions to their irl dying breathe cause they are a harden forum champion and must keep appearances for their cult to continue to phish stars and +1s for them.
Long as there is fodder, there will always be ganking, like it or not.
AFK / Alone =Attacked.
Straggling behind = Attacked.
Near Death = Attacked.
Fighting a large group of Mobs = Attacked.
Shard Hunting = Attacked.
Rez'ing ally = Attacked.
Lowest health in a zerg = Exploded with Curse and Inev. Detonation.
Doing anything while in a PvP zone = Attacked.
Shadowasrial wrote: »Unless you are targeting a pve scrub in pvp any attempts to gank are now virtually impossible. The days where a solo pvp assassin could effectively harass a group are over. Single target burst is impractical as most players running around with 35k+ health and near capped resistance. Anyone else miss the days you could melt unsuspecting targets?