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Replay Quests

Do you think there should be an option to Replay Quests?
Leader Of The Children Of Razum Dar Guild (Khajiit Guild) on All 6 MegaServers

Khajiit Quote Of The Day.
"These useless senche could only kill a rat if they fell upon it. From a great height."

Replay Quests 41 votes

Yes JusticeForJilarga there should be because........
thesilverball_ESOdarthgummibear_ESOKitLightningGedalyaPathLady_Sleeplessdan958LadyNalcaryaXorsiusmax_onlyA_SilveriusVindoldStanxKurkikohtausMortuus126nihirisutouRaisinRave the HistbornhuschdeguddzjeStrafeSinnlos 25 votes
No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
idkstarkerealmEdziuMattT1988groober13mikemaconKiralyn2000PartomaxRPGplayer13579StarlockJawshoeuhIneedaDollarbluebirdbmnobleAraneae6537IrianLethenil 16 votes
  • VaranisArano
    I wouldnt use it because its a roleplaying game. I play the quest on my character and that experience shapes who that character becomes. I can't repeat the past.

    For another take on that quest, I play a different character. Yes, I am a card carrying member of Alt-oholics Anonymous. :)
    Edited by VaranisArano on August 23, 2019 12:51AM
  • Edziu
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    why? as many rp's will say - just create new character for this! once you done it on 1 char
  • max_only
    Yes JusticeForJilarga there should be because........
    Yes especially for dungeons.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Nestor
    If there were no alts, then yes. However there are times when I have wanted to make a different decision. Again, I just do this on an Alt.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • JusticeForJilarga
    I wouldnt use it because its a roleplaying game. I play the quest on my character and that experience shapes who that character becomes. I can't repeat the past.

    For another take on that quest, I play a different character. Yes, I am a card carrying member of Alt-oholics Anonymous. :)

    This one didn't think of that. JusticeForJilarga thought it would have been cool to replay missions such as Fighting Molag Bal, Attack On Coldharbour ETC. Though that's a very good point that you brought up.
    Leader Of The Children Of Razum Dar Guild (Khajiit Guild) on All 6 MegaServers

    Khajiit Quote Of The Day.
    "These useless senche could only kill a rat if they fell upon it. From a great height."
  • bmnoble
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    Can't even be bothered running most quests again on alts let alone a replay option.

    Besides very little changes on a small number of the games quests, the rest just steer you toward the games desired outcome, regardless of your choices.
  • Path
    Yes JusticeForJilarga there should be because........
    Because I am old and forget things.
    Fairy Tales Really Do Come True...Kinda.
  • starkerealm
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    There's enough content that, I honestly don't see the point of going back and revisiting a quest on the same character. I suspect, a major part of why this system doesn't exist is because some quests do affect later ones, so you could end up with impossible world states by tweaking certain quests. Yes, you could code around it, but it would be more work than it's worth, I suspect.

    Now, what I do regret is that we can't, "sidekick," to another player, to help them while they run quests. If someone needs your help with a quest you finished back in 2014, they're kinda out of luck, especially if it uses phasing. Other than that, though, not really.
  • jainiadral
    Yes JusticeForJilarga there should be because........
    Path wrote: »
    Because I am old and forget things.

    Pretty much this in a nutshell. I abandon alts for months at a time and could use a refresher on where they are. Some quests and solo story dungeons are fun and I want to do them again without rolling a new toon. Sometimes another player in an area finishes a quest before you're in the area and your quest auto-completes.
  • Araneae6537
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    I wouldnt use it because its a roleplaying game. I play the quest on my character and that experience shapes who that character becomes. I can't repeat the past.

    For another take on that quest, I play a different character. Yes, I am a card carrying member of Alt-oholics Anonymous. :)

    Well said! And I’m definitely also an altoholic! :D For that, I wish there were more often different dialogue options, even if just to give a different tone and had no effect on the outcome of the quest (although those options are always appreciated too)! :)
  • idk
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    I was going to say it would not make sense to kill Molag over and over but we can fight his Simulacrum over and over.

    But seriously, no. For starters, some of the quest areas change after you complete is. If you want to do a quest over again just roll an alt.
  • Dusk_Coven
    How many people are replaying Craglorn location quests? It appears they are designed for replayability/grinding. That would be the main purpose. Which is sort of exploitable depending on the quest.
    SWTOR introduced this option for KOTFE/KOTET (but only your very first play-through retained the choices you made for subsequent reference) and people madly grinded one of the shorter quests for Command XP.

    Edited by Dusk_Coven on August 23, 2019 6:05AM
  • nihirisutou
    Yes JusticeForJilarga there should be because........
    I would make Dungeon quests a repeatable quest but only grant a skill point at the first completion.

    That way you can experience the story better of the Dungeons. Sometimes a group is rushed, sometimes part of the story is lost because of a glitch. I often get booted out of a dialogue because a mate is attacking something.

    I recently started soloing non DLC Dungeons, but I really regret that I can't experience the story that way.

    PSN: Nihirisutou

    CP: 650+

  • bmnoble
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    How many people are replaying Craglorn location quests? It appears they are designed for replayability/grinding. That would be the main purpose. Which is sort of exploitable depending on the quest.
    SWTOR introduced this option for KOTFE/KOTET (but only your very first play-through retained the choices you made for subsequent reference) and people madly grinded one of the shorter quests for Command XP.

    Didn't they Nerf that on the higher difficulty, I remember them making the last boss of that dream chapter, a lot stronger to make it take longer to complete, since the higher difficulty's paid out more command xp.

    Don't really think I will make much difference for ESO though, the quests don't really pay out that much XP be faster to run dolmens than to repeat most quests.
  • Dusk_Coven
    bmnoble wrote: »
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    SWTOR introduced this option for KOTFE/KOTET (but only your very first play-through retained the choices you made for subsequent reference) and people madly grinded one of the shorter quests for Command XP.

    Didn't they Nerf that on the higher difficulty, I remember them making the last boss of that dream chapter, a lot stronger to make it take longer to complete, since the higher difficulty's paid out more command xp.

    They did something for sure but I can't remember what exactly.
    What it does bring up is that a change like allowing people to replay something sounds easy on paper, but with the increased flexibility comes more variables to keep an eye on. So they'd have to go over every quest they allow repeating and make sure it's not going to be exploited or screw something up.

    We have the same problem with skills right now. So many skills -- and more importantly, so many permutations of loadouts -- that it's basically impossible to balance for PvP AND balance for PvE AND retain class identity AND make non-class skill lines relevant / not-over-important AND blah blah blah whatever other objectives are nice to have and which people will complain about when you don't achieve it.
  • jainiadral
    Yes JusticeForJilarga there should be because........
    bmnoble wrote: »
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    How many people are replaying Craglorn location quests? It appears they are designed for replayability/grinding. That would be the main purpose. Which is sort of exploitable depending on the quest.
    SWTOR introduced this option for KOTFE/KOTET (but only your very first play-through retained the choices you made for subsequent reference) and people madly grinded one of the shorter quests for Command XP.

    Didn't they Nerf that on the higher difficulty, I remember them making the last boss of that dream chapter, a lot stronger to make it take longer to complete, since the higher difficulty's paid out more command xp.

    Don't really think I will make much difference for ESO though, the quests don't really pay out that much XP be faster to run dolmens than to repeat most quests.

    They did, and they also nerfed CXP rewards as well on both it and Ch. 1. Also the Esseles/Black Talon flashpoints. Basically anything semi-rewarding that could be run solo.
  • Deathlord92
    Some of the quests are awesome especially dark brotherhood
  • redspecter23
    You can repeat quests... on alts.

    I'm not usually one for lore related things, but we have in game reasons why repeatable quests are repeatable. You perform various contracts for people. From even a light RP perspective any quest with "lasting" decisions makes little sense to simply be redone.

    I for one enjoy clearing all those quest arrows off my map. My OCD tells me to clean up the map of quest arrows. If they could all be redone, that aspect would disappear and there would certainly be some players annoyed about seeing arrows for quests and having no clue if they have done them before or not.
  • Starlock
    No JusticeForJilarga there shouldn't be because........
    That's what new characters are for.

    The only exception I would make are 4-person dungeon quests, which really should be repeatable dailies.
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