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and yet Elsweyr got a score of 80 in metacritic


Guess those bugs were not detected before.
  • Donny_Vito
    8/10 is probably what I would have ranked it as well, maybe a 7.
  • KappaKid83
    Delparis wrote: »

    Most likely a PVE only score correct? At least I believe that is how they normally have scored things, based upon their PVE experience.
  • VaranisArano
    If you weren't trying to do the Main Quest at the same time as Elsweyr, or you didnt know how certain necro skills were supposed to work, I don't remember Elsweyr specifically having too many bugs.
    Edited by VaranisArano on August 20, 2019 12:18PM
  • abigfishy
    The look, feel and story of Elsweyr as well as how much fun Necromancers are is a 10/10 from me.
    Level 50 Characters
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    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
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    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
  • agegarton
    Log on, play the game for what, a couple of hours.....? Write a review. Yep, a solid 8/10.

    Now, stick around for 5 years, play PVP and PVE, stress the game, trade, etc....... 2/10.

    Mind you, they might have played on the NA server where the grass is three shades greener and server load issues do not apply.
  • Berserkerkitten
    For as annoyed as I am with the lags, bugs and other issues, Elsweyr was a pretty nice chapter with some well-written quests here and there, some of which were genuinely funny. I felt it was one of the better chapters.
    Nobody cares about your endless list of terribly-named characters.
  • Numerikuu
    Because 17/18 of those 'critics' that rated the DLC were paid for by Zenimax. The only actual user review gave it a negative. Metacritic hasn't been a legit source for ratings in...god knows how long. Even less now that they've been known to cull negative user reviews lol.
    Edited by Numerikuu on August 20, 2019 12:55PM
  • nafensoriel
    Rating the game right now depends entirely on what kind of player you are and what server you play on.

    PCNA/PVE=Everythings nearly perfect unless you do trials.
    PCNA/PVP=PVP is..well still pvp with all the problems that entails.

    PCEU/PVE=Playable.. but the latency is causing problems everywhere.

    That's just a tiny snapshot. The trouble with these forums is its also often the .5% screaming like they represent the 99%. ESO is still, by a considerable margin, one of the top MMOs out there with no more or fewer issues than any other major MMO.

    8/10 is entirely a realistic review and justified by ZOS continued support of what the majority of their players are asking for.. Elder scrolls online. Not Elder scrolls trial playing online.. not Elder scrolls pvp online.. Just Elder scrolls online. As long as they feed that base they will continue to do well.
  • gepe87
    ESO Morrowind was the best of three chapters.

    Orsinium is better than any chapter.
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • Hashtag_
    Majority new players never experience the bugs that end game elite type players experience.
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Delparis wrote: »
    gepe87 wrote: »
    ESO Morrowind was the best of three chapters.

    Orsinium is better than any chapter.

    Orsinium was by far the best dlc. Morrowind is probably the best chapter but that makes me sad cuz it's also pretty mediocre overall.
  • Donny_Vito
    agegarton wrote: »
    Log on, play the game for what, a couple of hours.....? Write a review. Yep, a solid 8/10.

    Now, stick around for 5 years, play PVP and PVE, stress the game, trade, etc....... 2/10.

    Mind you, they might have played on the NA server where the grass is three shades greener and server load issues do not apply.

    Is the rating based on just this chapter, or is it a rating that encompasses the entirety of the game? If we're bringing our previous biases of ESO into the rating process then that is going to skew the results. If we're just talking about the chapter itself (Zone, Necro class, Sunspire, Dragons, etc...) then I'd still stand with my 8/10. But if I'm going to bring my criticism of Cyrodiil and server performance into the rating process, well then yeah that is completely different.
    Edited by Donny_Vito on August 20, 2019 2:40PM
  • vgabor
    The content of ESO is really good, the a 8/10 is correct rating for that. It's the technical incapability of the company that plague the game.
  • Gariele
    10/10 IGN
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