Just played PvP, and for the first time since the game was released, I actually enjoyed it...

Say what you will about the changes, the PvP is finally balanced and more tactical now. You can actually react to combat instead of being spammed down in 2 seconds by ganking nightblade. Roll dodging works, purging works, blastbones isn't trash anymore, I honestly am enjoying PvP for once. Also I have noticed the game performs A LOT BETTER.

Bravo ZoS, you've won me back. <3
  • Kurat
    There are tons of crying sorc threads here, they all disagree with you lol.
    Also I don't know what platform or server you play but PC/NA is much worse for me. More lag and ping is very unstable and higher on average.
  • Beardimus
    I can see that battle of the DOTvHOT might be preferred for some, but honnestly how dull.

    Fast burst combat is alot more dynamic than bleeding out lol

    Each to their own but i prefer pace of combat than death by 1000 cuts
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Kronuxx
    Elusiin wrote: »
    Say what you will about the changes, the PvP is finally balanced and more tactical now. You can actually react to combat instead of being spammed down in 2 seconds by ganking nightblade. Roll dodging works, purging works, blastbones isn't trash anymore, I honestly am enjoying PvP for once. Also I have noticed the game performs A LOT BETTER.

    Bravo ZoS, you've won me back. <3

    You clearly attend playing at a high enough level if you think roll dodging works. Probably don't know how to animation cancel.
  • Nerftheforums
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...
    Edited by Nerftheforums on August 16, 2019 6:48AM
  • Elusiin
    Beardimus wrote: »
    I can see that battle of the DOTvHOT might be preferred for some, but honnestly how dull.

    Fast burst combat is alot more dynamic than bleeding out lol

    Each to their own but i prefer pace of combat than death by 1000 cuts

    There's still burst damage builds, it's just they're not outclassing every other approach to PvP now. I've always preferred DoT builds, but still I use a spammable direct damage with my rotation and I'm going 20/9 in BG. I like how diversity is finally in the game PvP and there's not set meta. Even DoT only builds can easily be countered with purge/curse eater. This is the first time I've ever felt the game is going in the right direction.
  • Elusiin
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I've played for years, but you're welcome to assume whatever you like..
  • Elusiin
    Kurat wrote: »
    There are tons of crying sorc threads here, they all disagree with you lol.
    Also I don't know what platform or server you play but PC/NA is much worse for me. More lag and ping is very unstable and higher on average.

    I'm on PC/NA, having zero lag or stuttering in Battlegrounds. Haven't tried Cyrodil yet.
  • Vandril
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I think you misunderstood the thread title. It's the first time they've enjoyed the PvP, not the first time they've played the PvP. In your defense, though, that first comma in the title should actually be AFTER the "and".
  • Nyladreas
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    This comment makes me extremely happy for some reason.
  • Elusiin
    Vandril wrote: »
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I think you misunderstood the thread title. It's the first time they've enjoyed the PvP, not the first time they've played the PvP. In your defense, though, that first comma in the title should actually be AFTER the "and".

    Isn't, "and for the first time since the game was released, I actually enjoyed it", an independent clause, therefore justifies the use of a comma before the and?
  • Nerftheforums
    Vandril wrote: »
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I think you misunderstood the thread title. It's the first time they've enjoyed the PvP, not the first time they've played the PvP. In your defense, though, that first comma in the title should actually be AFTER the "and".

    I think you misunderstood what the body of text he/she wrote actually showed.
  • Elusiin
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    Lol I'm by no means a professional, but I am not a casual either. When you get ganked by a nightblade and you go to cc break, but while in the animation of breaking the cc, you die... That's not really skillful gameplay, or a lack of skill on my part. That's an imbalanced set of skills/sets. But before this update, even a magsorc could burst you down in the time it took to break a single cc from say destructive clench. Since playing this update, I have not had any of those issues. The game is still skillful requiring a decent build, rotation, timing, use of line of sight/surrounding objects, and it's still fast paced. I understand that it's hard losing overpowered handicap meta builds due to some real balance changes, but attacking people on the forums isn't going to change that for you.
  • Nerftheforums
    Elusiin wrote: »
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    Lol I'm by no means a professional, but I am not a casual either. When you get ganked by a nightblade and you go to cc break, but while in the animation of breaking the cc, you die... That's not really skillful gameplay, or a lack of skill on my part. That's an imbalanced set of skills/sets. But before this update, even a magsorc could burst you down in the time it took to break a single cc from say destructive clench. Since playing this update, I have not had any of those issues. The game is still skillful requiring a decent build, rotation, timing, use of line of sight/surrounding objects, and it's still fast paced. I understand that it's hard losing overpowered handicap meta builds due to some real balance changes, but attacking people on the forums isn't going to change that for you.

    This says so much about you, you probably don't even realize. Getting ganked obviously doesn't give you the time to react if the gank is performed well, fair enough. Destructive clench on the other side, if there is no lag, allows you to break free and dodge/block the incoming frag, always. It's a matter of experience, reason why you are so happy about being able to react to ultimates now. I imagine for you getting feared also means eating an incap/bow proc, doesn't it?
  • mague
    Beardimus wrote: »
    I can see that battle of the DOTvHOT might be preferred for some, but honnestly how dull.

    Fast burst combat is alot more dynamic than bleeding out lol

    Each to their own but i prefer pace of combat than death by 1000 cuts

    No, the good thing is that both exists. Its adds to the game
  • Vapirko
    It’s a lot more friendly to casuals than it was. OP dots loaded onto strong skills, cast times on ults, lowered overall healing for stamina.
  • Elusiin
    Elusiin wrote: »
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    Lol I'm by no means a professional, but I am not a casual either. When you get ganked by a nightblade and you go to cc break, but while in the animation of breaking the cc, you die... That's not really skillful gameplay, or a lack of skill on my part. That's an imbalanced set of skills/sets. But before this update, even a magsorc could burst you down in the time it took to break a single cc from say destructive clench. Since playing this update, I have not had any of those issues. The game is still skillful requiring a decent build, rotation, timing, use of line of sight/surrounding objects, and it's still fast paced. I understand that it's hard losing overpowered handicap meta builds due to some real balance changes, but attacking people on the forums isn't going to change that for you.

    This says so much about you, you probably don't even realize. Getting ganked obviously doesn't give you the time to react if the gank is performed well, fair enough. Destructive clench on the other side, if there is no lag, allows you to break free and dodge/block the incoming frag, always. It's a matter of experience, reason why you are so happy about being able to react to ultimates now. I imagine for you getting feared also means eating an incap/bow proc, doesn't it?

    I appreciate your assumptions about my combat experience, and I understand this toxicity is coming from a place of hurt. That being said, yes I know how to cc break and roll dodge incoming frags. A good magsorc can still stack procs and kill you through a single cc ability such as destructive clench, additionally cc breaks would last longer than normal due to general game lag. Both of these problems have been addressed, and this has made for a more enjoyable PvP experience. Of course this is my opinion, but there's no need to be dramatic, saying the entire playerbase is dead, and implying that I am a noob. This is just a game afterall, it's meant to be enjoyed, not fought over. :)
  • Elusiin
    Vapirko wrote: »
    It’s a lot more friendly to casuals than it was. OP dots loaded onto strong skills, cast times on ults, lowered overall healing for stamina.

    Again, I would argue that even non-casual players benefit from this update, as imbalanced meta builds are (hopefully) dead. This means DoT builds can be on par with burst damage builds, and both can be countered through purge, roll dodge, heals, and damage shields. I have played PvP, but in the past only meta builds could compete. I dislike imbalanced meta builds and 5.1.5 has done away with them, just another reason why I enjoy the state of PvP.
  • geonsocal
    Just played PvP, and for the first time since the game was released, I actually enjoyed it...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Elusiin
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Just played PvP, and for the first time since the game was released, I actually enjoyed it...

  • Nerftheforums
    Elusiin wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    It’s a lot more friendly to casuals than it was. OP dots loaded onto strong skills, cast times on ults, lowered overall healing for stamina.

    Again, I would argue that even non-casual players benefit from this update, as imbalanced meta builds are (hopefully) dead. This means DoT builds can be on par with burst damage builds, and both can be countered through purge, roll dodge, heals, and damage shields. I have played PvP, but in the past only meta builds could compete. I dislike imbalanced meta builds and 5.1.5 has done away with them, just another reason why I enjoy the state of PvP.

    Just to clear it for you: meta was heavy armour dks stacking dots and killing you via defile. Until not long ago, meta were HA nbs stacking bleeds and doting you to death. Thing is, burst builds on nbs and sorcs could compete. Now we just have dots. But you knew that, so I just wasted 10s.
  • LukosCreyden
    A lot of salty assumptions in this thread. People are allowed to like things differently to other people. Doesn't automatically make them bad.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • Morgul667
    I thought it was serious until I read "the game performs a lot better"

    Anyway, I cant agree with you

  • NeroBad
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I'm happy if we lose your kind of "base". This kind of speech says so much about you (mr. I know it better and I represent the playerbase). If you would speak only for yourself and friends I would'n be happy for your dissatisfaction.
  • Elusiin
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    I thought it was serious until I read "the game performs a lot better"

    Anyway, I cant agree with you

    Maybe it's just from my end, but things seem to be working smoothly and to be more responsive. Like I can bar swap and activate a skill immediately, without having to spam the button for 2 seconds, and it works. NA/PC here.
  • Nerftheforums
    NeroBad wrote: »
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I'm happy if we lose your kind of "base". This kind of speech says so much about you (mr. I know it better and I represent the playerbase). If you would speak only for yourself and friends I would'n be happy for your dissatisfaction.

    Happy to lose people like hexys, miruku, kodi, Sniker, pelican, Kristopher, Jeff, Ani, Jules, zele?
  • Kel
    Elusiin wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    It’s a lot more friendly to casuals than it was. OP dots loaded onto strong skills, cast times on ults, lowered overall healing for stamina.

    Again, I would argue that even non-casual players benefit from this update, as imbalanced meta builds are (hopefully) dead. This means DoT builds can be on par with burst damage builds, and both can be countered through purge, roll dodge, heals, and damage shields. I have played PvP, but in the past only meta builds could compete. I dislike imbalanced meta builds and 5.1.5 has done away with them, just another reason why I enjoy the state of PvP.

    Except the type of build you're playing is becoming the meta unbalanced build. You're seeing nothing BUT DoT builds now. Pretty unbalanced and meta.

    If you dislike "unbalanced meta" so much, maybe it's time you drop your build, eh? Because, it hasn't "done away" with meta, it's just made your build meta. But you dislike that.
    Quite the circular logic you got here...
    Edited by Kel on August 16, 2019 8:43AM
  • Thanatos_inside
    Big brain
  • jcm2606
    NeroBad wrote: »
    When someone with 0 hours experience tells you pvp is now playable, finally easier to react, that he/she can compete, you know you just killed your pvper base...

    I'm happy if we lose your kind of "base". This kind of speech says so much about you (mr. I know it better and I represent the playerbase). If you would speak only for yourself and friends I would'n be happy for your dissatisfaction.

    Catering to the "base" that seemingly has little to no actual experience in PvP is what landed us in this mess to begin with. Nerf threads are most commonly made by the "base" that only has experience playing their own class (some also have questionable experience playing that class, too), and is what led to the myriad of nerfs over the years.

    Wings getting clipped? Caused by players who refused to play around them, or accept some middle ground nerf such as a minimum range on the reflect. The only class who had valid complaints were Nightblade, because they literally had no other options.

    Shields having their value reduced and cost increased? Caused by players who refused to just keep pressure up and force their opponent to drain resources on spamming their shields. A few DoT's alone can shred a shield, forcing a magicka player to constantly be on their back foot.

    Grim Focus having a delay and slower travel time? Caused by players who refused to learn the Nightblade combo and simply dodge the thing. Just like Sorc, Nightblade has a fairly telegraphed combo (or, at least, had), and with enough experience you can generally figure out when they'll fire their bow proc.

    Sure, Zenimax does sometimes come to their own stupid conclusions with regards to balance on their own, but a lot of nerfs are brought up by the playerbase crying nerf 24/7. And guess what, a large portion of that crying is from players who don't have experience playing the seemingly OP thing.

    Opinions from these players are good commentary, make for good discussions, but that's about where it ends. As far as I'm concerned, your opinion doesn't matter for balance, unless you've actually played with what you're complaining about. And, yes, I'm saying that as someone who has his own opinions. I do think certain things are a tad too strong, but I wouldn't sit there with a straight face and say "this is OP, put it on the chopping block", and make a big song and dance about it.

    You know what I heard a while back? A veteran MMO player in another thread a long time ago said that this is perhaps the only MMO community he's ever seen who praises nerfs as hard as we do. Who calls for nerfs as much as we do. The longer and longer I look at the forums, the more and more I'm convinced that he's right.
  • WoppaBoem
    The salt is awesome :)

    Xbox here, not looking forward to the changes but for now I keep an open mind and I hope I will have the same experience as you. I think many people here want to have a bad experience because on paper the changes look bad but I want to play it before making up my mind.
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • BomblePants
    Somebody really thinks they’re THE expert don’t they..... wow..... you made a comment which was wrong as the op never said they had never played PvP, just be gracious and except you made a mistake...
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