Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 12, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
Class Representative

Do you guys think this is good or bad for the game? On a side note, check out one of our new sites: https://eso-housing.com/
Edited by Alcast on August 12, 2019 2:35PM
https://alcasthq.com - Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
https://eso-hub.com - ESO-Hub.com Sets, Skills, Guides & News
https://dwemerautomaton.com - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • Mettaricana
    Bit pricey but not as bad as i was expecting
  • Skwor
    To low if true, especially unduanted.
    Edited by Skwor on August 12, 2019 12:41PM
  • BennyButton
    it gives them good incentive to make the skill line leveling up as *** as possible so we despair and are like "UGHHH time to buy the skill line instead"
  • gamerguy757
    Are these just for one toon or account wide
  • Skwor
    Are these just for one toon or account wide

    Pretty sure per toon
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Are these just for one toon or account wide

    per toon
    https://alcasthq.com - Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
    https://eso-hub.com - ESO-Hub.com Sets, Skills, Guides & News
    https://dwemerautomaton.com - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • DarkDeal
    Just half a year of eso+ for 4 basics skill line (the most needed ofc ), for ONE toon !!

    i'm right ?

    Shame Zo$
  • KappaKid83
    I actually thought they would be in the 5-6K range, this is reasonable IMO.
  • GraphicArtistYT
  • Skwor
    Alcast wrote: »

    Do you guys think this is good or bad for the game?

    I think it is bad for the game. To much has become monitized and it removes incentive to actually play the game when building alts. To much of an "insta build."

    Likely to just make poor players asking for more nerfs becuase of lack of class knowledge.
    Edited by Skwor on August 12, 2019 12:59PM
  • VaranisArano
    I'm sure some players think its worth the money.

    As for me, I think I'll just hunt for glowing overdue library books, run circles around the Alikr Dolmens, and join the Psijic Order's Gran Annual Scavenger Hunt.

    About the only one worth it in terms of time/effort is Undaunted, or if you really hate PVP, maybe Alliance War.
  • Billdor
    Worth for the *** Psijic Grind.

    Whoever made that grind needs to be fired.
  • Mettaricana
    Skwor wrote: »

    I think it is bad for the game. To much has become monitized and it removes incentive to actually play the game when building alts. To much of an "insta build."

    Likely to just make poor players asking for more nerfs becuase of lack of class knowledge.

    After 30 alts leveled deleted etc i want insta character half the games farming and drops are wasted on the leveling process i always pull the gear or item needed at lvl 25-40 never find it at cp 160 rather insta alt and start doing content
  • SantieClaws
    Thank you but most certainly no thank you.

    Khajiit needs those crowns for a meadow …

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • VaranisArano
    Billdor wrote: »
    Worth for the *** Psijic Grind.

    Whoever made that grind needs to be fired.

    I like it a lot better than hunting for the Mages' Guild overdue library books.
  • Reverb
    That is surprisingly low. I had expected the lines to be expensive enough to be a difficult decision between actually playing the content vs. paying to skip it.

    ETA: I’d like to see the Psijic line priced lower than the others since it’s already behind a pay wall.
    Edited by Reverb on August 12, 2019 1:10PM
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • doomette
    Billdor wrote: »
    Worth for the *** Psijic Grind.

    Whoever made that grind needs to be fired.

    I highly doubt anyone who actually enjoys playing video games made that grind. On one, sure, no big deal. On a few alts, uuuuuugh.
  • TiZzA93
    Are they giftable?
  • DaveMoeDee
    I don't really care about price. I'm not buying them on my 14 alts, but I have no problem with other people having shortcuts available for alts.
    Edited by DaveMoeDee on August 12, 2019 1:09PM
  • KerinKor
    Bit pricey but not as bad as i was expecting

    More P2W, the game simply carries on descending into the gutter .. and no, it isn't 'not bad' because you have to unlock them on one character first, this type of thing should never be account-wide, free or otherwise.
    Edited by KerinKor on August 12, 2019 1:10PM
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Way too costly to me. Not going to buy any of them.
  • Swimsinwine
    Dont really see it as p2w since you have to unlock them on one char 1st in order to buy them for an alt, if you choose to.
  • rotaugen454
    I have 17 characters, and the latest 4 are still leveling some of these. I admit that I am tempted to get them to “fully ready to grind for best gear” stage. I’ve completed these skill lines many times already and just was to do endgame PvE and PvP.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Cavedog
    ....I didn't think I'd be willing to pay the prices they are asking.....and I was right.
  • pdblake
    Billdor wrote: »
    Worth for the *** Psijic Grind.

    Whoever made that grind needs to be fired.

    No they don't. It's about to pay dividends :wink:

    They'll probably get a raise and new skill line to make unbearably grindy.

    ETA: I won't be buying them. If and when I start a new character it'll be to play the game with it, take on the content and explore through a different set of eyes with a different set of skills etc.

    I don't usually play PvP but it might be interesting to see a lvl 10 player in battlegrounds wielding dawnbreaker or meteor and other ultimates that come with bought skill lines. I know people say you can grind them by then anyway, but realistically, how many people do?
    Edited by pdblake on August 12, 2019 1:27PM
  • kaisernick
    Per character its a rip off.
    Given how many build recomend things from pvp psigic figthers guild and undaunted skill ines to pay that for EVERY alt you could by almost all the major houses with that fully furnished even.

    Id rather watse my time than money, and with many addons doing said skilsl isnt all that hard either.
  • Suddwrath

    3000 is too much.

    These are skill lines that have previously been unlocked. These are not things that can just be bought in the Crown Store. Before a player can even purchase these, they must first invest the time in another character of grinding that skill line to level 10.

    The pricing also just doesn’t make sense comparatively. You can currently “buy” the vampire/werewolf skill lines for 1500 crowns (it only unlocks the skill line, but doesn’t require you to grind for it on another character first). But for twice that amount you can buy another skill line that you previously invested time in grinding to level 10.

    3000 is just too costly to justify. Now, if it cost 3000 to purchase the skill lines maxed out at level 10 without having to grind for it on another character, then sure the price would be reasonable. But it just doesn’t make sense to pay that much for something that players have already invested hours into grinding (often multiple times already).

    As for whether it is good or bad for the game: It’s fine for the game itself. It doesn’t affect gameplay. However, it isn’t doing ZO$ any favors in how we view the company and their questionable business practices.
    Edited by Suddwrath on August 12, 2019 1:33PM
  • huschdeguddzje
    No thanks
  • therift
    Lol lol lol lol I thought so. Lol.

    Congratulations to all the players who said they would "throw their wallet" at ZoS for the chance to buy skill lines.
  • SkillzMFG
    This is horrible for the game and I'll try to explain why it is from my point of view.

    First of all ESO is very overwhelming and massive for a newcomer, it's very hard to keep track of all the passives, abilities (class, world, race, guilds) etc. Now, before, you had to slowly grind your way through the skill lines and learn each passive or active ability for each level, it gave you time to get used to them and something to work towards. My point is that if new players buy this, they will probably oversee many skills active or passive that are essential to their gameplay. This will lead to the creation of more noobs that are oblivious to game mechanics, they'll scream for nerfs on forums and could potentially ruin the somewhat existing game balance.

    The second thing is of course the Crown Store focus. If enough players buy this, it's just a matter of time before CP or Level boosts are added to the game. This way, ZOS will focus their resources on the Crown Store even more and leave the actual game aside since it's not profitable to improve it because it takes too much effort. Why would you release new skills lines and DLC when you can just stack up on some mounts or even sell the already existing skill lines, skill points, cp, levels, whatever it is. Now this is already a huge problem and the game has suffered enough because of it and I doubt this will improve the overall state of the Crown Store-Actual Game content relation.

    Third thing is...you're literally making people pay not to play the game. Why you you ever want to do this? Unless the game itself is flawed and you can't be bothered to fix it in its core, so you just pay people to skip to the end. I don't know but it seems counter productive to me. The sense of reward when reaching max skill level will gradually go away as you add these things, and the sense of reward is the core element of any RPG.

    While this might be 'an obvious solution' for an old problem (problem of farming skill lines on new alts) I actually think that whoever has leveled multiple characters actually knows how to level their skill lines pretty efficiently. At least that's the case for me, the only thing I could see that can justify this is the Psijic Skill line, it just gets old REALLY fast.

    In the end I'd be fine with this addition if I knew that the profits from it will be going towards the improvement of the actual game and not the Crown Store but I just don't see it happening. ZOS keeps abandoning interesting projects for the sake of Crown Store additions and it just keeps getting worse each season. It just seems like ZOS's goal is to take as much money as possible in the short run, but in my opinion that's the wrong approach. I really hope I'm wrong because I really like the game, I think it has great potential that could be unleashed if only ZOS had their priorities straight.

    EDIT: Few typos.
    Edited by SkillzMFG on August 12, 2019 1:37PM
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