Hi everyone.
I'm currently running a 2-pets sorc, and since next update will nerf it a lot, I envision dumping the tormentor and replace it with an execute and a spammable.
Since I do mostly shock damage, I'm contemplating changing my old necropotence set in favor of a netch touch (more crit, more spell dmg)
However, there are a few things that are unclear, about netch's touch, that I'd like be answered.
1) I know pets basic attacks don't scale with spell damage, but how about the unstable familiar's special AOE?
2) are the shock staves's light and heavy attacks affected by it as well?
3) What about a skill that does several types of damage, including shock. Will it be affected?
4) are ultimate affected? IE : storm atronach.
Thanks for any insight on the matter !