Which bow skills should I use?

I am a CP 323 orcish Dragonknight.

Which bow skills should I use on the 2nd skill bar for the 2nd weapon? (My main weapon is a two-handed sword).

Thank you!
  • TheShadowScout
    fetito666 wrote: »
    Which bow skills should I use...
    The ones that fire the arrows at your enemies?? :p;)

    Really, it all depends on your playstyle.
    ...you really should go for the "Venom Arrow" morph, because the casting interrupt at range is nothing to sneeze at.
    ...while "Volley" or "Arrow Spray" and its morphs are vital if you neet someone with projectile reflection like DKs and some monsters. I suggest slotting at least one of those, just in case.

    Everything else - as you prefer. Much depoends on your playstyle... sneaky and spipe-ish? Then you may want "Snipe" for that, uh... sniping? Or more "gun and run", then avoid that one and go for something fast and in-your-face. And so on...
  • geonsocal
    I would give them all a try to see what you like best...

    generally though for myself:

    pvp: focused aim or lethal arrow and poison injection work well...

    pve: endless hail and acid spray help thin out the crowds...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Austinseph1
    PvE single target is endless hail and poison injection, aoe is hail and venom spray. Others are useful for PvP or bow/bow builds if that’s your thing.

    Finally had time to get my Master Bow. Is sharpened preferred trait for it? Thanks for linking that btw.
  • worrallj
    Depends what your trying to do. Pve has pretty standard answers you can get from most builds, such as alcast.. Pvp anything goes.
  • Shardaxx
    Hail is best for bosses who don't move around much, and arrow spray is good for mobs. Snipe is biggest single target damage, and poison arrow is a decent one, I found the interrupt morph most useful. Level them all up then take your pick depending on what you're doing.
    Edited by Shardaxx on August 12, 2019 10:18PM
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Hazurko_RaShan
    poison is good against werewolfs. fire against vamps. adjust as needed
  • FrancisCrawford
    DKs get a 25% cost decrease to poison skills, so if a skill only has one poison morph, there's a good reason to take that one.
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