Wall of elements or caltrops 30 meter before target solves this. They disengages then taking damage.What's funny is when they follow you half a mile then stun or dismount you just to walk away pretending like nothing happened
Wall of elements or caltrops 30 meter before target solves this. They disengages then taking damage.
But yes this is very annoying espesialy if they CC you and run away.
TequilaFire wrote: »My biggest pet peeve is seeing players running away or through delves with a string of mobs chasing them without even trying to kill them. It is the one time I wish NPCs had better roots and snares.
I admit I'm one of those players (unless I'm on my magblade and just cloak through everything).
Can't think of anything more annoying and unrewarding than trash fights...
Trash fights take all of 2 seconds in delves. I just spear, wall, run through them with my magplar - - no bother at all.
Crixus8000 wrote: »I agree with wolves. When playing pvp I'm more scared of them than running into a zerg. Nothing is worse than a wolf hitting you, getting annoyingly snared and then being stuck in combat for 10 minutes.