MartiniDaniels wrote: »I agree. Though ESO has a lot of amazing quests and characters, they are too often watered down by uninspired content, which in combination with pointlessly easy combat and lack of notable rewards makes questing a chore.
You just sift thru them to find those jewels of interesting stories and lore, but you usually buy and load game to have fun, not to "sift"..
Three weeks ago I gave a shot to another game, which is often used as reference to grinding, auto-leveling and so on, but there is key differences in terms of rewards and challenge, which makes other game's questing much more engaging.
So my opinion is not that quests and writing are boring or bad, but it is because core gameplay is boring (too easy and unrewarding), quests became boring too.
P.S. yes, my quest characters don't have CP, crafted gear or consumables, they only use what dropped and run not min-maxed hybrid builds. Still pointlessly easy.
Overland content is so depressingly easy for new players, you could watch new characters in the zone just curbstomp everything with ease. Overland doesn't need to be as hard as Craglorn, or a dungeon, or a Trial. But I am certain that new players could handle zones that were closer to the difficulty of a public dungeon.
ZOS seems to only do their best and most interesting PvE gameplay for group content, meanwhile the only challenging solo content is the maelstrom arena from the Orsinium DLC which came out 4 years ago. We know that ZOS is capable of designing more challenging solo content - so why don't they?
Just because the zone is designed to be solo-able doesn't mean that the solo content has to be boringly easy. With how powerful players can be at the start, they could certainly take on 4-5 enemies at a time that had a smarter Ai as well as more variation in their combat mechanics.
I don’t agree with Forcing players to group but I would suggest difficulty to encourage players to work together to complete content while still being solo-able by single players.
I started tackling Elseweyr story and honestly... I'm so bored.
I think I came to a conclusion about ESO story and that is that the voice actors have gotten really good but the way it is done is SO BAD. This game could use cutscenes. I have no idea how many characters actions I've missed because my camera was pointed in the wrong spot or how many times enemy or character dialogue screws up because of how unimaginably easy the story fights are. Simply put there is no climax and the villains are pathetic because they serve no threat. You know how it's gonna go down. Last big boss fight I did I dropped one AOE and just kind of sat with my chin resting against my hand waiting to hopefully see dialogue before everything died.
The storylines also introduce characters that you never really grow attached to because they are plot device characters that seem to exist because the story wouldn't make sense without them. There is absolutely no pacing for the story and it all feels rushed. Honestly I'd love for the development teams to really look at how utterly boring any overland content is and review story design. It feels like all Im doing to "putting up" with the story to see how it ends. Kind of like a bad movie you put too much time into to turn off.
I've put off Elseweyr for soo long because I just hate to spend my free time being bored and enduring the feeling that I am a god in a land of tissue paper enemies and trying to enjoy a story that fails to captivate. Not sure if anyone else feels this way and not even sure if this post has a point other than to hopefully raise awareness over what I think to be a bit of an issue.
I enjoy it still. Matters of taste, maybe?I think I came to a conclusion about ESO story and that is that the voice actors have gotten really good but the way it is done is SO BAD.
It certainly would make things better if we had some more of those... at least in the solo instances, where it matters not when one player is locked in cutscene-watcher mode.This game could use cutscenes.
I have to agree that many of the story fights are a bit of a cakewalk these days.Simply put there is no climax and the villains are pathetic because they serve no threat.
I really loved those for the added challenge!stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »I am old enough in the game to remember the sorry mess that was "VR zones" back in 2015, and how we complained about the content being too difficult for solo players of average skill or less.
...and don't you too wish we had gotten a second story-questline for goody-two-greaves characters for Gold Coast and Hew's Bane? I know I do! Heck, I still wish they would sell an "story upgrade" for those two regions, allowing the "lawful good" characters to play through the landscape without the murdering or stealing, and still enjoy the sights while doing something that feels worthwhile...AcadianPaladin wrote: »Gold Coast - LOVE the Oblivion nostalgia of the zone but my little elf won't touch the DB (personal problem, I know).
Yes, increasing enemy health will make the fight longer and feel more meaningful while not making it significantly harder.Overland story solo questbosses are way too easy for anyone but new, inexperienced players still learning the ropes. Even new players entering the game with experience from another MMOs I've heard often saying it's just silly plot fights, no challenge.
At least they could make them bit harder akin to final bosses of dolmens, to prepare people playing solo a bit for group content difficulty. Like, double their usual health amount (250k health instead of 130k for example), make them maybe do a bit more damage and some simple danger scripts, so people actually feel endangered and try to ponder how to optimize their ability usage and survival.
As it is of now, there's quite a gap between people normally playing solo, and people more interested in group content, you see solo players in PUGs often just by the way they have a hard time to play competitively AND with the group.