So, we are in VCR and we are primarily Templars and Magsorcs. One member brought up the idea of running Nova (Solar Prison) instead of destro ulti. Like any trial lead, I thought I could at least entertain the situation, especially since all our tanks run Harmony, which would really boost up the damage of a synergy (and create another synergy, improving Alkosh times).
My initial thought was that it was a bad idea. Obviously, not meta. It's not showing up on esologs or youtube videos, so it wouldn't work. Too much damage loss. But then I ran the numbers. Being that the ulti costs are identical, I wanted to see the tooltip disparity. And there was a big disparity. Now, I'm at work, so I can't check with my actual dps, so all I have is UESP (Thus, correct me if I'm wrong).
Destro ulti is 6216 x 7 x 1.1 (fire bonus) for a total of 47,863.2
Solar Prison is 3283 x 8 = 26,264 + 12470 x 2.05 (actual damage + 3(35%) for harmony buff which is 25,5653.5 for a grand total of 51,827.9.
This is actually HIGHER than a destro ulti by 3,965.1 AND (possibly even more importantly) would create a Major Maim for the 8 seconds that applies to the enemy, not the individual caster.
It's completely theorycrafted (Thx Bacon!), but where are the flaws in this argument?