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What do you find is the best type of damage in ESO?

What do you personally find is the best damage and why you like it? I am just curious.
Edited by SocialAssassin on August 1, 2019 3:27AM
“I’m The Best There Is At What I Do. But What I Do Isn't Very Nice…” - Wolverine/Logan/James Howlett

What do you find is the best type of damage in ESO? 119 votes

Vehlirmpmp0b14_ESOJackeySOLDIER_1stClassCaptainVenomVermintideNoBullccmedaddyDirt_RoosterAthan1Sunderling 11 votes
Physical Damage
milesrodneymcneely2_ESOSchattenfluegelBeolundDracaneRavenSwornFearlessOne_2014XarcLokey0024Anti_VirusTheNorthernDragonBobby_V_RockitmeekmikoTigerboy78Fur_like_snowLittlePinkDotRaideenRevokusUnified_GamingWardenOfTheExaltedKryser 27 votes
Flame Damage
SolarikenGilvothSuddwrathitsfatbassArtemis_X_Tanis-StormbinderthestillwinterOreyn_BearclawCP5SomewhereFallen_RayjeedrzejDrdeath20NarvuntienSilverIce58NoszetJayJayIsSoJayKingExecrationRedKialandiWildRaptorX 34 votes
Frost Damage
tenryutacopitoWyrd88Fal_Elsvendf 5 votes
Shock Damage
Septimus_MagnaXvorgDestaiVevvevAsmaelBananaLuckylancermocapJierdanitAurieccfeelingRagnarock41VanyaArgonianwerecroc212Mykrizburty61GrianasteriNo_DivisionHalensShadeLightYagami 21 votes
Bleed Damage
kaithuzarIsojukkazECHOLeonNoirCageKnight 5 votes
Poison Damage
Dr_GanknsteinSocialAssassinitscomptoncrysis992Raammzzaaalmightyalfofaeeichenlaub 7 votes
Disease Damage
SahidomsusmitdsshezofSshadowSscalemaster_vanargandVermethysdarkblue5HoneyBunBadgersKromedeTheCorrupt 9 votes
  • SocialAssassin
    Poison Damage
    I personally like Poison damage because there really isn't a lot you can do about it. Except for Argonians. That have resistance against it.
    “I’m The Best There Is At What I Do. But What I Do Isn't Very Nice…” - Wolverine/Logan/James Howlett
  • VaranisArano
    Fall damage. That sh*t is OP. #bringbackfeatherfall

    *Watch your step.*
  • zvavi
    Physical Damage
    What is best damage? Probably physical cause stamina is broken. Why do i like it? I dont. I like lightening on sorc because of the sound effects.
  • idk
    Fall damage. That sh*t is OP. #bringbackfeatherfall

    *Watch your step.*

    Levitation. We need spell crafting.
  • kypranb14_ESO
    I like Magic damage the best because it is usually paired with unique effects. Swallow Soul for example.
  • Vermethys
    Disease Damage
    Disease, because it has a chance to apply Major Defile, making it a very potent type of damage in PvP.
    PC EU CP1400+
    In-game Username: Vermilion98

    Characters & Builds
    Edith Geonette [DC Imperial Sorcerer] (AR28)
    Gorgo Aendovius [AD Imperial Dragonknight] (AR28)

    My Builds:
  • darkblue5
    Disease Damage
    The file on disease damage mentions something called defile...
  • ZeroXFF
    Oblivion damage, because it works no matter what.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I do not prefer to "pick" one. Because of nerfs. Bit by bit stuff is getting nerfed. So at this point I prefer not to waste my time & resurces to get gear and build... Because like I have said: sooner or later, stuff will be nerfed :(
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on August 1, 2019 11:56AM
  • MartiniDaniels
    Flame Damage
    Fire, because I hate vampires. Also it looks cool. #buffMagDK
  • Donny_Vito
    Yeah, Oblivion Damage.
  • Vermintide
    I do not prefer to "pick" one. Because of nerfs. Bit by bit stuff is getting nerfed. So at this point I prefer not to waste my time & resurces to get gear and build... Because like I have said: sooner or later, stuff will be nerfed :(

    MMOs are probably not the type of game for you then, friend.

    What you have to realise is that the continuous nerfs/buffs are not just for balance. They are to keep the player base running on their treadmills, because if you could simply "finish" building your character and call it a day, you'd unsub and quit pretty soon after.

    Things must change to force players to adapt, work on new skills, and acquire new sets; which keeps the game alive.
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    I personally like Poison damage because there really isn't a lot you can do about it. Except for Argonians. That have resistance against it.

    Not anymore, only Bosmer do now.
  • No_Division
    Shock Damage
    shock, has chance to add 8% dmg to all attacks hitting that target making it the most universal of the dmg types.
    And the vulnerability subtracts from protection sources making it operate kinda like how penetration is to armor.
  • Ragnarock41
    Shock Damage
    Shock because it has the strongest condition proc of all damage types.
  • Shantu
    Nerf damage.
  • ccmedaddy
    I'm basic af
  • Xvorg
    Shock Damage
    Shock, hands down, after it disease.

    Poison and flame, cool on look but kind of useless without BSW or being a DK, just for niche builds. Frost is much better

    Magic and physical, pretty much generic but much more useful than flame and poison

    Oblivion and bleed, both shouldn't have made it into the game, though both were OK.

    So, it should be:

    Shock, Disease, Frost, Magic, Physical, Oblivion, Bleed, Flame, Poison (ultimate crap type of dmg with less than 10 skills in all the game)
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Lokey0024
    Physical Damage
    You can make a complete start to finish build using physical damage skills available RN. Fire is close but only for Mag DK.
  • Fal_El
    Frost Damage
    Frost damage being the best?
    Lol i know i’m Just joking 🙃
  • Vanya
    Shock Damage
    Speaking strictly lore related:

    There are very few beings that resist shock.
    Nearly all are weak.

    No race has shock/lighting damage resist.

    Poison disease Argonians,Bosmer.
    Fire Dunmer
    Nords Frost

    Also in game the Oblivion damage by far the most lethal there is no known defence against it.

    You know in Skyrim for instance shock burst damage could zap anything fast. Lore related should make sense too but its the most draining and difficult to master
  • Raideen
    Physical Damage
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Flame Damage
    Flame. I play mag DPS most of the time in PVE and single target DPS is what generally limits trial score. In PVP, well I like to kill vamps so win win, and again, single target kills players. But like most things, you can build for just about any type of damage and be effective. There are pros and cons to all.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Physical Damage
    idk wrote: »
    Levitation. We need spell crafting.
    We REALLY do!
  • Vevvev
    Shock Damage
    As a magDK I love fire but shock has minor vulnerability attached to it. Hit someone with a Shock Lancer for instance at point blank range and watch their health disappear.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Koronach
    Vermintide wrote: »
    I do not prefer to "pick" one. Because of nerfs. Bit by bit stuff is getting nerfed. So at this point I prefer not to waste my time & resurces to get gear and build... Because like I have said: sooner or later, stuff will be nerfed :(

    MMOs are probably not the type of game for you then, friend.

    What you have to realise is that the continuous nerfs/buffs are not just for balance. They are to keep the player base running on their treadmills, because if you could simply "finish" building your character and call it a day, you'd unsub and quit pretty soon after.

    Things must change to force players to adapt, work on new skills, and acquire new sets; which keeps the game alive.

    This game does it more than any other MMORPG I have ever played. I have never seen a game go through such huge changes constantly, more than this one. Not to mention such huge bias toward specific races over others.
  • Tharonil
    I love fire swords in every other game. It is a pity, that fire damage is only for mages in eso.
  • Athan1
    Magic damage coz it's thw closest thing we have to holy light damage. I am looking forward to the new status ailments for each damage type too.
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Rebiludo
    Oblivion... can't vote T_T
  • BisDasBlutGefriert
    Lag damage.

    You're in a harrowstorm fighting mobs, all of a sudden your bar swap doesn't work. So you try to light attack, your character doesn't move but you hear the sound of a light attack. So you try a skill. Skill sound fires off, yet no movement. Then you're screen goes blueish and your on the ground, dead.
    ~There’s a positive in every negative. Sometimes the positive is harder to find than other times, but there is ALWAYS one there~
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