A big problem.

Several months have passed, and once more I am experiencing a problem I've faced before, yet at a bigger volume.

Once more I am torn between playing with my guild which is currently playing as DC (as the majority of players in it prefer to play on that faction), and between playing my other characters, which are EP.
See, I am a content creator - even if a less known one- and I am interested in creating new builds for more classes when the new patch drops, classes that I have on EP but not on DC. I am running out of character slots, and even if I had the time to make copies of all my toons on DC, which is what I've done with my main a month ago, I can't do so for the rest of my characters.

In the times I tend to play at (12-6pm EST) there seems to not be any population to play against on the 7day and nonCP campaigns on my server, as the bars of all factions are always 1, and so I can only play at those times in one single campaign- the 30day CP one.

I am extremely frustrated at this situation, and don't know how to keep enjoying the game and keep playing it the way I've always played it and loved it while faction lock is preventing me from doing both things I want to.

This post is meant to experience my frustration being at this problematic situation, and to hear the opinions of others about it. I believe this forum is the correct place to express myself at. This thread is not meant to start another pro-lock/anti-lock warfront.
Characters: (PC NA)
Ruerock | mDK ___________________________________ Nirnstorm | Magplar
Ruepork the Magsorc | Magsorc __________________ Nirnshade | Magblade
Pay To Warden | Magden _________________________ Moar Siege | Stamsorc
Necrotic Orb | Magcro ____________________________ Bluerock | mDK
Thelol Kadjit | Magplar ___________________________ Chalman Keep | Stamden
Characters: (PC EU)
Reurock | mDK ___________________________________ Nirnstorm | Magplar
Refrigerator Boy | Magden _______________________ One Button AoE Stun| Magsorc
Why So Spearious | Stamplar _____________________ Ree ee ee ee | StamDK
Faction Locked | Magblade _______________________ Bae Blade| Stamblade
You Shalk Not Pass | Stamden ____________________ Frag N Cheese | Magsorc

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PvP Guild - Flame - [ Videos ]

Faction Lock contradicts the One-Tamriel concept.
Please do NOT keep it in the game.
  • MipMip
    I share your feeling of frustration - playing with my guilds locks me on certain factions in the campaigns they play in, and then when after raid or on a non raid day I would like to play with other friends it is often not possible because they are in other guilds locked on other factions.

    It used to be easy to make a group, go any faction depending on the map (preferring the underdog factions ofc, looking for fights!), on who / with what character was going to join

    Faction lock is damaging to the community and to the game. People who like to play for a faction could do that also without lock but the many players who do not care about the score find their options to have a good time in Cyrodiil frustratingly restricted.

    (btw I have a second account, but having to grind cp again just because faction lock was introduced only ads to my frustration with this game)
    PC EU ∙ PC NA

    'My only complaint about ball groups is that there aren't enough of them. Moar Balls.'
    - Vilestride
  • Sandman929
    I only have one faction toons, and I'm confused as to what the faction lock was meant to accomplish. I have sort of the opposite problem, since I only play during prime time NA when the locked 30 day is such a mess that it's not worth going into for me.
    If it was meant to just make people feel like they aren't being as "cheated on", I guess it's done that. But as a single faction player that can't play in the locked campaign due to performance I don't really think it's doing me any favors.
    IMO it just seems to have caused a lot of players a big headache. I don't know what someone is supposed to do if they play off peak and have factions on all toons, because the 30 day is the only place with decent population off-peak, and even then it's not enough to "spread out" into the 7 day during that time period even if players were willing to do it.

    The implementation just doesn't seem very well thought out.
  • NBrookus
    I miss my guilds and communities, which were fractured by everyone negotiating this massive 3 way breakup among all their game friends.

    I miss my friends and guildmates that I can no longer play with because they chose a different faction.

    I miss my friends that I can no longer play with because they decided to just go play a different game.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Faction locks have done nothing but harm the enjoyment of this game to assuage paranoia.

    The real answer to all the complaints about possible "abuse" (such as farming AP, etc) was always for ZOS to actually enforce it's own TOS and action those accounts.

    You do not protect yourselves by removing other people's freedoms, and that's exactly what was tried here.

    All it caused was harm.

    Revert faction locks.

    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • ks888
    DC NA - Norri - Khole RIP - [Mostly Outnumbered]** I have too many toons **RIP every alt I deleted - where am I? what year is it?
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