Afaik, ignore doesn't prevent you from getting grouped together.
That's the risk of PUG. If you want a consistently pleasant experience, group up with friends or guild mates. I agree that it's a swamp, but that's the risk you take with a rando.
Been saying it for awhile, an ESO version of GW2 lfg system. GW2 has the best lfg system I have ever seen/played.
StormChaser3000 wrote: »Go with a guildmates or.... there is a button for sprint you know. 810s who farm gear also don't want to waste time.
[...] leaveing no loot for the guys that could actually use it.
Well then all the more reason to do a little something.
This is EXACTLY my point. This should NOT be a risk of pugging. at least not to this level of neglect, as i stated, i believe this is a fault of zos to address the allowance of it. because player will surely not do it on there own if there is no penalty.
Well then all the more reason to do a little something.
This is EXACTLY my point. This should NOT be a risk of pugging. at least not to this level of neglect, as i stated, i believe this is a fault of zos to address the allowance of it. because player will surely not do it on there own if there is no penalty.
Can we get some flags on dungeons to require boss completion. And something to ensure people can turn in their quests before the party rapidly disbands?
Maybe just completely remove the kicked from dungeon mechanic.
I mean seriously puging in RDF is obnoxious AF when you get 810s that run through and leave a trail of adds for the lower levels to struggle with while they solo the bosses leaveing no loot for the guys that could actually use it.
Why is it years later of this behavior and it has not been addressed by ZOS.
I find that negligent. There should be some sort of demand to allow players to run a dungeon as intended.
Sure i can just walk in and solo the dungeons... but really? this behavior needs to be tolerated?
And what about new players that normal dungeons are still difficult and dudes are allowed to do this?
Howabout a rating system so players with consistent low ratings get tossed to the end of the RDF que whenever someone with higher ratings gets into que.
That'd put a quick end to bad dungeon behavior.
At the end of the dungeon rate each player thumbs up or thumbs down (ACCOUNT WIDE) . make it required... yes people will troll and thumbs down everyone but that wont matter with consistent dungeon running the majority of players will follow the premise as they do not want to be "in the bad" So they are not penalized in the queue process. After a large amount of dungeons regardless of thumbs down trolls a very clear rating will form and those players that are just horrible to run dungeons with will be identified. allowing penalties to be fairly distributed.
Maybe something even better than this system ^... But something of the like to correct the having to deal with the intolerable.... My ignore list is getting WAY TOO LONG so dont say just put em on ignore... its not working. they keep coming...
Flame or Support. Go.
We don't need another rating system because we already have one ---> the ignore list.
The more people agree that someone is a toxic player they'd rather not associate with, the more that toxic player is affected. I've asked around in all my guilds and while not advertised, it seems a function of ignore list that the game will NOT match you for future dungeon finder groups with anyone on your list, or vice versa.
No one has ever confirmed to me that they've been randomly re-matched with someone on their ignore list, so it appears ZoS has existing logic that dungeon finder excludes matching ppl together if on ignore. Which makes sense.
So think through the logical conclusion - if you ignore a tank because you think they super rush and are terrible, but no one else does, then this person is not really affected. But if a lot of ppl agree with you, then that person has their queue times get longer and longer the more ppl add them to their ignore list.
Basically, ignore is your rating system - the more ppl agree with you and ignore that person, the more that person's 'rating' is affected. *** off enough people and it's conceivable even in-demand roles like healer/tanks will have significant time added to their dungeon finder queue.
That is not how ignore works. And the tank in your example will be barely affected because there is that much of a lack of tanks in group finder.
Group finder gives you a group. Want anything extra? Make your own group.