I formed like usual a group in zone chat for nMOL, invited friends, guildies, randoms and some of their friends.
I didn't explained mechanics. It was my time, my nerves and yes my fault for that. Now if you don't know mechanics it is just as simple to say and I was willing to help, or others if not me.
Because I was solo tanking it and half of the group were inexperienced, Twins went bad and as a tank I started to get trashed, told how to do my job, swore at, harassed, bullied for the rest of the raid, despite the fact I've told them I am experienced in vMOL since back 2016 perhaps months ahead before thousands of other players. I did my best to continue and asked one of my friends to tell his/her friends whom he/she invited that I do not like negativism, toxicity and bad behavior in my raids. I couldn't do my job. I started shaking, i started crying, I feel anger, I feel sad, I started complaining.
On last boss I got kicked from the team, I made, before clearing, looting, turning in quest and sharing loot.
Then you guys call me sick?
You guys made me sick! You took away my time, my resources, my happiness, my sanity, my health, my friends, close friends. You took everything from me. You are a disgrace to this community. I never seen most of you elite wannabee forming raids in zone chat yet, you rage on a simple mistake, rage quit on a death or a single wipe, become toxic towards others and so on. And yes you deserve those hate words! You are negativist, hateful, never constructive, never helpful but you make sure to point it towards others!
Maybe I'm not such a good player not a good person but I never rage quit a raid, disbanded or kicked anyone from my teams even if they deserved.
We need a VOTE TO KICK option for the raid leader.
Also raid leader should not be allowed to kick an online player from group without initiating a vote, to prevent abuses.
Raid leader should also not be allowed to disband a group without a vote system.