Mount system rework

I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game. Needs to be reworked by level requirement to unlock certain speeds like other games. I'm missing so many dragons on my new character cause he runs so slow compared to everyone else's faster mounts.
  • idk
    ESO has always had the small increments of training per day on a 20 hour CD. It was this way since well before the cash shop was released.

    Regardless, with the training available in the cash shop Zos has no incentive to change mount training. It is part of the cost for so many to be able to play the game at a much lower cost than subscriptions. All those people who purchase DLCs instead of subscribing, and especially do not buy all the DLCs bring in much lower revenue.
  • KerinKor
    ereboz wrote: »
    feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store
    Which is why it's like this and given the income ZoS no doubt get from this Hell will no doubt freeze over before it gets changed in-game.

    What other games do is irrelevant, I've no idea why everyone who posts a 'suggestion' usually quotes 'other games' as a justification .. it isn't and ZoS already KNOW what 'other games' do and have decided not to follow suit.
  • Donny_Vito
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Which is why it's like this and given the income ZoS no doubt get from this Hell will no doubt freeze over before it gets changed in-game.

    What other games do is irrelevant, I've no idea why everyone who posts a 'suggestion' usually quotes 'other games' as a justification .. it isn't and ZoS already KNOW what 'other games' do and have decided not to follow suit.

    I think a lot of the other game arguments are like comparing apples vs oranges, as the main ones that are referenced (WoW and FF14) are subscription-based and ESO obviously is not.
  • therift
    I'm levelling character #13 and am finding it more difficult than ever to resist paying cash to speed up my mount training. This annoys me more than a little. If I want a taste of Korean culture, I'll spend my money at a Korean restaurant.
  • AlnilamE
    The next time there is an AP reward in the daily login, grab it on your new character and you will instantly have Rapid Maneuvres.

    My necro already has 55 speed and some stamina, as I do remember to log in every day.

    And I would never buy mount training in the crown store. I don't spend crowns on consumables.
    The Moot Councillor
  • redlink1979
    ereboz wrote: »
    Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool

    It's even worse than that, you need: 60 days x3 = login for 180 days to fully level your char's mount...

    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
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  • AlnilamE

    It's even worse than that, you need: 60 days x3 = login for 180 days to fully level your char's mount...

    Yeah, but if you are not in PvP, speed really is the only urgent one.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Kiralyn2000
    ereboz wrote: »
    I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game.

    I guess since I've been playing MMOs since before f2p and cash shops, the "mount grind" feels like a Typical MMO Long Grind, rather than a 'cash grab'.

    (unless, of course, you'd call "make Task X take several months, so that people stay subbed and give us $" a 'cash grab'. In which case 'cash grab' has been a core MMO feature since even before cash shops. o:) )

    disclaimer: I'm constantly surprised when I hear that people actually buy those crown store Riding books, since they seem like such an utter waste of $ to me. I mean, you can just level your mount daily, why blow money on something so stupid/trivial? But, then, I've never felt any pressure to Have It Now! /shrug
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on July 24, 2019 3:53PM
  • Jack_TheImpaler
    It would be nice if ESO+ gave an advantage to mount training, say rather than 1 point a time it gave 2/3 as a small QoL function. But the current system is still better than training on every mount you own.
  • idk
    It would be nice if ESO+ gave an advantage to mount training, say rather than 1 point a time it gave 2/3 as a small QoL function. But the current system is still better than training on every mount you own.

    Would be good for ESO+. It is not instant but most of the training could be done in a month so it may not be that great of an idea for Zos.
  • zaria

    I guess since I've been playing MMOs since before f2p and cash shops, the "mount grind" feels like a Typical MMO Long Grind, rather than a 'cash grab'.

    (unless, of course, you'd call "make Task X take several months, so that people stay subbed and give us $" a 'cash grab'. In which case 'cash grab' has been a core MMO feature since even before cash shops. o:) )

    disclaimer: I'm constantly surprised when I hear that people actually buy those crown store Riding books, since they seem like such an utter waste of $ to me. I mean, you can just level your mount daily, why blow money on something so stupid/trivial? But, then, I've never felt any pressure to Have It Now! /shrug
    Remember buying some on my templar or second character after returning as I needed to level her and her mount was so slow.
    Not bothered with later characters

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Freakin_Hytte
    I've bought a couple of from store since I subscribe and I don't need anything else in the shop. The rest of the way I'm happy that I got a *** ton of gold and can just buy crowns with gold so that my new chars atleast get 60 in speed and 40 in stamina since it's a major pain to run around with 0 stam and no speed in cyro 👌

    And I don't think it's a cash grab since it's been this way before they had the shop. But they probably make decent money from it so it won't change. I think it's a strategy to make players log in everyday, for example when I took a break to play other games I still logged in to lvl my mounts, I know some othe that have done that as well and doing this they can also show up good numbers on active players. even if it's only 2000, it's still 2000 more than if they hadn't designed it this way.
    Edited by Freakin_Hytte on July 24, 2019 4:21PM
  • Shanehere
    ereboz wrote: »
    I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game. Needs to be reworked by level requirement to unlock certain speeds like other games. I'm missing so many dragons on my new character cause he runs so slow compared to everyone else's faster mounts.

    Unfortunately it is quite literally a cash grab. I am willing to bet that mount riding speed is one of the most purchased things in the crown store by players, I do not see them reworking the mount system when they are making so much money off of it, with the excuse being that this method has been in the game since it's release and they do not see any problems with it.

    Realistically it should all be bind on account. If you spent 180 days maxing your mount on one character you absolutely deserve it on all your others.
  • therift
    Shanehere wrote: »

    Unfortunately it is quite literally a cash grab. I am willing to bet that mount riding speed is one of the most purchased things in the crown store by players, I do not see them reworking the mount system when they are making so much money off of it, with the excuse being that this method has been in the game since it's release and they do not see any problems with it.

    Realistically it should all be bind on account. If you spent 180 days maxing your mount on one character you absolutely deserve it on all your others.


    I have the equivalent of five and a half years of daily logins for mount training with another two years or so to go.

    It's ridiculous.
  • EmEm_Oh
    ereboz wrote: »
    I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game. Needs to be reworked by level requirement to unlock certain speeds like other games. I'm missing so many dragons on my new character cause he runs so slow compared to everyone else's faster mounts.

    Takes about 4 weeks. Don't invest in riding capacity the first month. do 1/3 stam, 2/3 speed. By the time you get to 30, you'll be going along rather fast. Or by the end of one month, you'll be at around 20/10/0.

    Also, you should be getting more via daily rewards, and crate drops if you're into buying a few here and there. This is where ESO Plus really helps.

    I will agree, for PvP, it can be brutal. That's why I introduced the potential of picking-up an additional player who wanted a ride.Can benefit both players if done correctly.
    Edited by EmEm_Oh on July 24, 2019 4:39PM
  • AlnilamE
    That said, they could easily change this so that we can put 1 point in each stat per day.
    The Moot Councillor
  • idk
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    That said, they could easily change this so that we can put 1 point in each stat per day.

    They could but they wont. It is a product of being a B2P game. People can play this game, including every DLC, for much less than a subscription. Revenue has to come from somewhere to make up for that.
  • Katahdin
    Yup 6 months to fully level a horse, meanwhile you can level a character to 50 in days,

    Beta tester November 2013
  • Legate_Lanius
    Donny_Vito wrote: »

    I think a lot of the other game arguments are like comparing apples vs oranges, as the main ones that are referenced (WoW and FF14) are subscription-based and ESO obviously is not.

    it was sub-based but went to the freemium mode because they failed big time at release. If they could they would keep it and somehow kept it as without sub crafting is a bit of a nightmare.

    Also let’s be honest, apples vs oranges ? Really ? The game is a MMO and as such can be compared to its competitors : GW2, FF14, WoW and all the others.
    Denying facts that some things are better done elsewhere and not being able to see that changing things to make the game we play daily better is shortsighted to say the least.

    But, of course ZoS won’t change it as we can see that their policy is mainly focused on the store and not truly improving the game performance (lags and bugs that are present since ages).
    Due to that one can easily see how the game doesn’t hook people as it could. A simple search on Twitch and Youtube to see the interest compared to other games can tell a lot. Which is sad as this game has some really good features but the rest that actually requires a real effort from ZoS will never happen.
    Edited by Legate_Lanius on July 24, 2019 5:16PM
  • Aznarb
    Mount training should be account based.
    The time it take to get full is just ridiculous...
    That the main thing who stop me when I plan to make an alt, boring slow travel....

    This system is just stupid.
    [ PC EU ]

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  • SoLooney
    Buy mount speed from other players using gold

    That's how I got mine maxed in minutes
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    therift wrote: »
    I'm levelling character #13 and am finding it more difficult than ever to resist paying cash to speed up my mount training. This annoys me more than a little. If I want a taste of Korean culture, I'll spend my money at a Korean restaurant.


    This mount-utility-cash-grab is the main reason I don't level Alts.

    I have a Main, 2 or 3 other toons that were levelled in tandem with my Main (while I was deciding which was going to be my Main) and that's it.

    I have a Warden that never made it past level 16, and a Necro that won't make it past 12 - both because I can not be bothered with slumming it on deliberately-engineered-crap-base-mounts, and I refuse to let ZoS win by dumping cash on their convenience escalator.

    Of course, the fact I only have 1 Main is part of the reason I sub for 3 months a year, consume the new content and don't come back again.

    So all round ZoS looses out on Money from me.

    I guess I am fortunate enough to be immune to the baseline-convenience-at-a-price scam ZoS has going on, unfortunately a lot of other players aren't.

    All The Best
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    I have been playing since 2015, own 11 characters (6 of which are lvl 50), but only my main has maxed his riding skills - in May 2019. Never bought a book.

    But then, I managed to collect roughly 660 CP in all those years. Go figure. Grinding is not one of my gaming priorities.
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Kiralyn2000
    I've got 8 alts with 60 speed/capacity (I don't bother with stamina). It was pretty trivial. /shrug

    (Honestly, after doing things like Wintersaber rep in WoW back in the day, simple things like mount training just don't pop up on my radar. And every expansion in that game gave like half a dozen new reps to level, many via a small number of dailies or grinding huge quantities of certain mobs. At least back when I played. Plus mounts there were character-specific, so if I'd wanted that Wintersaber on more characters, I had to grind that rep all over again.)

    ...and even if they took the mount books out of the crown store, you'd still have to train your mounts that way. Just like the 'daily login bonus', the daily mount training is another thing to maybe get you to keep logging in, which is something they try to encourage. "Dailies" and "grinds" are everywhere, even where there is no cash shop for people to yell "cash grab!" at.
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