Which is why it's like this and given the income ZoS no doubt get from this Hell will no doubt freeze over before it gets changed in-game.feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store
Which is why it's like this and given the income ZoS no doubt get from this Hell will no doubt freeze over before it gets changed in-game.
What other games do is irrelevant, I've no idea why everyone who posts a 'suggestion' usually quotes 'other games' as a justification .. it isn't and ZoS already KNOW what 'other games' do and have decided not to follow suit.
Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool
redlink1979 wrote: »
It's even worse than that, you need: 60 days x3 = login for 180 days to fully level your char's mount...
I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game.
Jack_TheImpaler wrote: »It would be nice if ESO+ gave an advantage to mount training, say rather than 1 point a time it gave 2/3 as a small QoL function. But the current system is still better than training on every mount you own.
Remember buying some on my templar or second character after returning as I needed to level her and her mount was so slow.Kiralyn2000 wrote: »
I guess since I've been playing MMOs since before f2p and cash shops, the "mount grind" feels like a Typical MMO Long Grind, rather than a 'cash grab'.
(unless, of course, you'd call "make Task X take several months, so that people stay subbed and give us $" a 'cash grab'. In which case 'cash grab' has been a core MMO feature since even before cash shops.)
disclaimer: I'm constantly surprised when I hear that people actually buy those crown store Riding books, since they seem like such an utter waste of $ to me. I mean, you can just level your mount daily, why blow money on something so stupid/trivial? But, then, I've never felt any pressure to Have It Now! /shrug
I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game. Needs to be reworked by level requirement to unlock certain speeds like other games. I'm missing so many dragons on my new character cause he runs so slow compared to everyone else's faster mounts.
Unfortunately it is quite literally a cash grab. I am willing to bet that mount riding speed is one of the most purchased things in the crown store by players, I do not see them reworking the mount system when they are making so much money off of it, with the excuse being that this method has been in the game since it's release and they do not see any problems with it.
Realistically it should all be bind on account. If you spent 180 days maxing your mount on one character you absolutely deserve it on all your others.
I know this isn't other MMOs, however... Taking 2 months to get a proper speedy Mount isn't cool, feels like a cash grab to get the faster Mount with the crown store, and a also in the face for playing the game. Needs to be reworked by level requirement to unlock certain speeds like other games. I'm missing so many dragons on my new character cause he runs so slow compared to everyone else's faster mounts.
That said, they could easily change this so that we can put 1 point in each stat per day.
Donny_Vito wrote: »
I think a lot of the other game arguments are like comparing apples vs oranges, as the main ones that are referenced (WoW and FF14) are subscription-based and ESO obviously is not.
I'm levelling character #13 and am finding it more difficult than ever to resist paying cash to speed up my mount training. This annoys me more than a little. If I want a taste of Korean culture, I'll spend my money at a Korean restaurant.