After reading the patch notes (v5.1.2), I'm beginning to see the rationale in why the drastic upcoming healing changes are happening... it's a long game.
As a dedicated healer for all classes,
at first I thought (as it was assumed by many fellow players) that the changes (nerfs) were because of sever lags and overloads. That may be a side-benefit but I don't think it's the primary reason.
Warden and Necromancer have clear tank, healing, and DPS lines that many of us also wanted the abilities of the original four classes to be revisited and get a face-lift or rework that was similar to these new classes.
Templar, Warden, and Necromancer have their obvious healing abilities, while the other classes have side-healing abilities that either weren't great for endgame content or needed ultimate generation to be effective.
Healing Springs and Energy Orbs were the generic go-tos for the other classes, but they needed better class healing skills that can match the AOL heals of the other traditional-healing classes.
As the non-traditional classes are the ones most affected by the changes in Scalebreaker, many of us with DK, Sorc, and NB healers were hugely upset by the nerfs.
I believe, and I may be wrong and you may have a counter-argument, that ZOS is focusing on making all classes much more viable with Dps, tanking, and healing to make them feel much more unique in playstyle, feel, and strategy so that, should raid groups get any bigger (just as an example of PVE) they would all bring something to the table that would benefit the party as they do in pvp.
We aren't there yet in terms of range-HoTs, burst heals, and party-wide buffs, but slowly and surely, we are getting there.
Just being a glass half-full player/observer.
Edited by priforce on July 22, 2019 5:22PM