MojaveHeld wrote: »Honestly, I think that's how we're supposed to feel. Making the noble elves be inherently some of the scummiest races on Nirn was intentional, to contrast this idea of "inherent nobility and worth" with the darker side of humanity, and to make the point that they are sometimes found in the same individual. There's a reason that the most likeable type of elves in the games are a bunch of short cannibals.
Thanks for the spoilers everyone.. i never played morrowind back when it came out...I was hoping todd howard would finally make a new engine and crank out all morrowind, oblivion and skyrim in a 120 one pack... before TES 6 drops....
since that is not happening...spoil more please..can't stand those graphics...
AcadianPaladin wrote: »By the time she finished the Morrowind dlc, my Bosmer had to strongly fight the temptation to dislike all Dunmer.
Same happened with Summerset and the Altmer.
By contrast, completing Murkmire made her affection for Argonians grow.
Thanks for the spoilers everyone.. i never played morrowind back when it came out...I was hoping todd howard would finally make a new engine and crank out all morrowind, oblivion and skyrim in a 120 one pack... before TES 6 drops....
since that is not happening...spoil more please..can't stand those graphics...
...and that was the sorrowful part of the Morrowind story that made me love the dunmer so much. Such a great story behind all the lies and deceptions... and everyone of them thinks they are in the right, Almalexia who had come to believe her own propagande, Sothra Sil who has pretty much how to be a living being, and Vivec who... was just Vivec! And of course also Dagoth Ur, whose dreams of revenge at any cost (to the people of morrowind) had to be stopped.Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »The tragedy of Nerevar is that he was betrayed by everyone he had ever trusted and respected.
-I think its cool that shady stuff happens and not everyone is perfect or good, makes it more believable or interesting.
-TES lore is from in universe perspective and thus subject to conflicting reports or versions, dragon breaks don't help either.
I feel bad for Dagoth
yup, that's right, the villian of morrowind.
was the best friend of Lord Nerevar, head of a great house, fought with him at the battle of red mountain, and was entrusted to keep the tools and the heart safe from use.
but then three false gods walts up, kill Lord Nerevar, kill Lord Dagoth, take the tools and the heart, use them to become "gods" and wipe out and disperse his house into the others.
he does not *really die* goes crazy, does eventually get revenge on the tribunal, before the reincarnation of his best friend kills his now crazy self.
tribunal get what's coming to them, every lie incurs a debt to the truth.
posted before almalexia finds me
man I hate the tribunal /ashlanders did nothing wrong.
Does he even -have- any "intentions" anymore? Pay attention to the talk you have with him at the end of CWC sometime... all that stuff he says about how he no longer has any freedom of choice because he does only what he "must do"... it makes him sound like he has finally resigned himself to be a professional NPC! Waitaminit...rotaugen454 wrote: »I dunno, I think Sotha Sil had good intentions.
At the very least!Sylvermynx wrote: »So we have this living god who's bi?
Yeah. Different universe tho.barney2525 wrote: »I thought Dagoth was killed by Conan in Conan the Destroyer