<- this!validifyedneb18_ESO wrote: »try the PTS
validifyedneb18_ESO wrote: »Alcast is actually pretty damn bad at teaching new players. His website is better used as a repository of reference material for working out a new build.
Stamina builds are identical the world round, generally you have a spammable ability, and a bunch of buffs, dots and AOEs you want to keep down as close to 100% uptime as you can get.
I recommend taking an Alcast bar layout for simplicity, then ignore his rotation - or use it as an indicator but dont try to replicate it.
The aim of the game is simple, start on your offbar, cast your timed abilities in order from longest duration to shortest duration, switch to front bar, cast your front bar timed abilities, then spam your "spammable" (Surprise attack for stamblades) and cast your Relentless focus proc every time its up. Switch to your offbar and start again.
Your aim is to work out a timing to do all this so that you keep ALL your timed abilities at 100% - that means not letting the shortest duration one to time out (for more than 1 second) and not casting an ability that can survive 2 bar swap rotations without timing out every barswap. (Say you have a backbar shortest timed AOE of 10 seconds, so you need to do your backbar every 10 seconds - buuut thats going to be more like every 12 seconds because of the time to cast other items on the backbar - hence you cast the shortest duration last), if you have a 30s duration ability on the backbar, you dont need to cast it every swap, just every other backbar swap.
This is the general "dynamic" rotation mentality, what Alcast does is test a rotation with this in mind, then turn it into a "Static" rotation where it tells you exactly what to cast in exactly what order. This can be slightly useful for someone like me when im picking up a new class, but mostly I just want to know what the spammable is, and what timing there is on other rotation specific abilities (eg.. relentless focus for NB, Sub Assault for Wardens..). If you work this *** out for yourself, you will understand what to do and why you're doing it a lot better, and this will show when you play in a non static, non sitting at a target dummy, environment.
Edit: If you REALLY want to improve, and you dont already have perfect gear (exactly the right traits, perfected relequens, vMA [gold] bow), try the PTS, this should help you try stuff out and learn exactly where you're missing damage. At 35k you may be playing pretty well, but just not have some traits set up, or the vMA bow, or zerk offbar enchant. Also make sure you install combat metrics and count your light attacks.