Faction Lock - simple solution

ZOS shoud just make:
- 30 days CP locked
- 30 days CP unlocked
- 30 days noCP locked
- 30 days noCP unlocked
- 7 days CP locked
- 7 days CP unlocked
- 7 days noCP locked
- 7 days noCP unlocked

That way everyone would be happy.

But im affraid that then everyone would see how few PvPers are in ESO community.

Right now population cap for each faction is about 100, maybe 150. At prime time queue in both 30 days camps are max for few minutes.
  • Mr_Walker
    Population will not support that many campaigns. Categorical fact.
  • idk
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Population will not support that many campaigns. Categorical fact.

    Populations do not support how many we currently have.
  • Royalthought
    Since faction lock (Read:Alt Lock) Ive spent less time in any campaign.

    Theres a chance that allowing players to enjoy the game could result in actually having more players.

    Campaigns that lock alts are dumb.
    Edited by Royalthought on July 16, 2019 3:05AM
  • dtsharples
    8 different campaigns would result in the same thing we are seeing now, or maybe worse, 1 or 2 main camps and the rest would be empty.
    They should really just scrap all of the 7 Day campaigns entirely, they are pointless - make them all 30 days.

    Locked CP
    Unlocked CP
    Locked nonCP
    Unlocked nonCP

    It's the only fair way to do it imo. Whether or not there is the population to fill those or not is another issue.
    Esp since the unlocked campaign is a ghost-town as it stands.

  • Mr_Walker
    idk wrote: »

    Populations do not support how many we currently have.

    Off peak hours, yes, also 100% true, sadly.
  • Dutchessx
    Populations won’t support it at the moment, there were too many changes that weren’t for the better at one time.
    Former Guild Leader Darkest Requiem
    Dutchessx - Sorcerer - EP NA
    Dütchess - Templar - DC NA
    Dutchess of Lost Souls - DC NA
    The Dark Dutchess- Sorcerer - DC NA
    Ðutchess - Templar - DC NA
    Always beware the sound of hooves in the night
    Remember Haderus
    Remember Azura's Star
  • Alphaa
    Not setting a home campaign should allow you to freely play what ever faction on what ever campaign at any time, and not gain points towards campaign rewards.

    Only people who have the campaign set as home should be able to interact with scrolls.
  • frostz417
    Just make it so you cannot get rewards on other factions lol
  • Mr_Walker
    The simplest solution is to make the end of campaign rewards more appealing, but any faction swap forfeits all campaign rewards for your entire account.

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