** BRAND NEW ** Just a few of us right now
MostWanted - This guild is for getting achievements and skins and doing harder content. We can do HM pledges and DLC HM dungeons together and improve and learn together. When we get enough people we will start a core trial team. I intend to keep this a small tight knit guild maybe enough for a couple trial teams since people will have life happen. I'm on most days at least for an hour or two and a lot on the weekends but I work full time and am a single father so either
@magictucktuck in game or reply here and lets get whatever skins and achievements you want when we get a few people to join us!
The guild is based around teamwork and helping each other improve not negativity and being "elite" the only requirement I ask is that you know your class and role or you are actively seeking to improve. Currently there are not going to be any parsing requirements, its easy enough to tell how someone is doing in a dungeon, I don't expect you to be the best I just expect you to try to be.
Edited by magictucktuck on July 16, 2019 5:47PM PC-NA
Flawless Conqueror
https://www.magictucktuck.com for my builds and guides!