Hey o/
Fairly simple but maybe a little specific! I'm a healer looking for a trial group, but my problem is I lack experience in the eyes of some. But if you want a hard working and rdy to learn healer in your team, and you're a more or less static group of players, I'm your man!
I'm CP 550+ done all normal trials except nHoF. Done all nCR except +1 and +2 (done +3) Done all veteran trials except vCR, vHoF (done 3/5) And I've done vAA and vSO in HM.
My current gear setups include Olorime+IA or Olorime+Worm's Cult (Lack of a static group to raid with has scewered motivation to farm Jorvuld's a second longer, drop rates suck!) Halfway with Healing mage and I have Timeless Blessing resto staff.
I can raid all days except Friday and Saturday, and time of day is usually between 6 pm UTC to 9 PM UTC
Ok, hope to hear from someone, I like ESO, but my main interest in games like it is to raid, in this case trial xD