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Eso logs

How has there not been an uproar from the casual community about how invasive eso logs is. With how upset people were getting about add-ons that spied on what the looted, I would think that a feature that shows everything from their gear and skill bars to how many times they casted a skill would have people rioting in the streets.

Best Answers

  • Ackwalan
    ESO logs was done quietly, with the default set to off. Unless you are in a trial guild, nobody noticed or cared.
    Answer ✓
  • Runefang
    There was massive uproar before logging came out. Then it came out and it turned out the data privacy apocalypse was just a hoax and nobody was going to get kicked for being bad due to the logs.
    Answer ✓
  • zvavi
    You mean, uproar from the crowd that doesn't do the content where eso logs actually matter? Lol.
  • Oakmontowls_ESO
    I never said it was justified uproar
  • zvavi
    No no, you didn't get my point. Who will use eso log in content that it is not useful in? Honestly, who will even look at it after doing nFG1. No one. Not even the one recorded it. Since no one is looking, why would there be an uproar?
  • Oakmontowls_ESO
    Because of those evil elitests that are going to use it to kick them from their random dungeon queues.
  • zvavi
    ...dude nobody cares about random normals
    Edited by zvavi on July 14, 2019 4:31AM
  • zvavi
    I mean, i am not even sure who are you trying to bash with your post, but please stop, it ain't healthy for the forums
  • starkerealm
    zvavi wrote: »
    ...dude nobody cares about random normals

    I've seen people get pretty nasty in random normal runs before. But, it is the extreme outlier.

    Granted, those are usually the runs where I'm pulling half the group DPS as the tank, and one of the DPS decides to scream at the other one for not pulling their weight. It's rare, but it does happen.
  • Royaji
    There was a couple of posts while logs were still on PTS. Nothing too big but it was amusing to see all the armchair lawyers threaten ZOS with court cases for not complying with GDPR and all that. They did one thing as a result and swapped default setting to anonymous. After that only a couple of very vocal "don't touch my privacy" guys were left to argue and were kinda ignored by everyone else.
  • Rake
    ToS. You had to agree to it to play ESO.
  • MaxJrFTW
    How has there not been an uproar from the casual community about how invasive eso logs is. With how upset people were getting about add-ons that spied on what the looted, I would think that a feature that shows everything from their gear and skill bars to how many times they casted a skill would have people rioting in the streets.

    There was. Eventually it died down, because the people whining about it didn't know wtf they were talking about.
    Edited by MaxJrFTW on July 14, 2019 11:35AM
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • VaranisArano
    Most of the uproar was over ZOS' decision to make everyone's @ names available in the Logs by default.

    That presented some issues, namely that it assumed everyone consented to having their names attached to Logs that could be recorded and shared by anyone, including being available for searching on the ESO Logs website. Any new or returning players couldn't be expected to know they needed to uncheck a box in settings if they didn't want that info shared.

    Thankfully, ZOS listened and made Anonymity the default. That makes it so that player consent isnt assumed and now player privacy is essentially identical to the previous state of affairs with Combat Metrics. Your identity + combat info can be figured out with some deduction, but it isnt automatically displayed for your group members to see.

    Now with anonymity as the Default, there have been very few issues with ESO Logs, since most people use it exactly as intended: to analyze their own combat data or the combat in groups where everyone agreed to it, after combat is over.
    Edited by VaranisArano on July 14, 2019 12:50PM
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