Magplar or Magcro

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Good morning,

I am considering a re-roll from my magsorc and trying to decide which class to go to. On one hand, i feel like Magplars are tankier and have a lot of very interesting skills. On the other hand, i like pets and i think Necros (when fixed) might be a more interesting class to play.

I am not a terrific player and my PVE goes only as far as normal trials,, vet dungeons and i am yet to play vMA. I like to (sometimes) change up my playstyle. So i am looking for a class that doesn't yield easily to a cookiecutter build. This is partially the reason i'm considering a move a way from Sorc. I liked playing with pets and without. I had several builds that i found interesting for change of pace. I feel like in the next patch the class will lose most if not all of it's class skills and replace them with guild / weapon skills. That experience i can recreate on any other class i pick up so yeah.

Thank you!
  • Vajrak
    washbern wrote: »
    Good morning,

    I am considering a re-roll from my magsorc and trying to decide which class to go to. On one hand, i feel like Magplars are tankier and have a lot of very interesting skills. On the other hand, i like pets and i think Necros (when fixed) might be a more interesting class to play.

    I am not a terrific player and my PVE goes only as far as normal trials,, vet dungeons and i am yet to play vMA. I like to (sometimes) change up my playstyle. So i am looking for a class that doesn't yield easily to a cookiecutter build. This is partially the reason i'm considering a move a way from Sorc. I liked playing with pets and without. I had several builds that i found interesting for change of pace. I feel like in the next patch the class will lose most if not all of it's class skills and replace them with guild / weapon skills. That experience i can recreate on any other class i pick up so yeah.

    Thank you!

    Or you can not give in to the fearmongering of the sky is falling. Are you personally doing 40-50k dps consistently? Are you pulling out 90-100k in trials? If not, then these changes are a piddle, barely worth paying attention to other than a slight adjustment of considering Unstable Wall over Blockade, and MORE utilization of class skills/slots for Sorc, for the extra damage for having Sorc skills slotted.

    that being said, as your question is Magplar or Magcro...

    Magplar is incredibly strong, and easy to pick up --- but can be very unforgiving in terms of gearing and rotation. Set your benchmark and gear for it accordingly. Example: I'm personally okay with 30-35k DPS, so most of half of my skills are group utility, to back up an inexperienced healer, someone caught by a mechanic, or just ease up hard fights a bit with a huge group shield and HoT with easy application of AoE heals and magickasteal. a mixed support/dps. Everyone keeps asking for it to be "fixed" into a pure DPS, but really it is more of a support/dps supplemental. That doesn't make it bad, and honestly it can pull similar to Templar and go Melee mag like mad.

    If you want to play a class, play the class. If you want to homogenize and chase the meta, than do so. EVERY class yields easily to a cookiecutter build, that is what a meta is.

    Seriously, look at all of the changes incoming, and Magsorc has some hardcore options coming in....example: Overwhelming Surge you become a lightning field and restore magicka off of the damage dealt...a damage type you get a bonus to, making it even stronger, and a reason to move away from pulse>proc shard to pure blast AoE Direct Damage bursts to become a beacon of destruction instead of a beacon of healing (Templar).

    If you do go Templar, practice soloing Volenfell and Vault of Madness. Good places to get a grasp of your capability with a Magplar.
  • WrathOfInnos
    Magplar is the easiest class in the game, and Magcro is the hardest (with a rotation more dynamic than Magblade). I definitely enjoy Magplar a lot more, but I’m not usually a fan of Necromancers or pet builds in any game.
  • washbern
    Thank you very much, that was a very awesome reply. Yes. My mental struggle is real. I tried out both classes today and hated the necro gameplay. Maybe it'll change next patch but as is now it was soooooo clunky.

    As for Templar... I absolutely loved the templar. Sure, basic overland questing was a breeze. So I went into Scalecaller and here is my takeaway:

    The entire dungeon I was reconfiguring my build. Not because I was doing poorly but because we had some team members unfamiliar with the dungeon. I constantly swapped skills in and out pending on what we needed and it worked great. I assisted the healers, I assisted the tank. I did my deeps and had lots of fun.

    This would have likely not happened on my sorc. I had my bars set up and had barely any flexibility on changing it for lack of better skills.

    To your point about not giving in to fear mongering, I am not. I do not argue that Sorc will pull decent numbers. I just fell out of love with the class. Sorc was a fairly rigid design with maybe two variants on build. It is possible that we will have slightly more variation but itd be a weak change since the only thing we will have to decide which ranged dot suits us better. I can do that on the templar. I can make 5 or 6 variants of a build on a templar, each suited for it's own thing.

    I actually think that on boss fights sorcs will perform better then they are now. I pug all the time. More often than not my tanks have bosses running around the room like waitresses in H0oters on a Friday night. So a single target dot will outperform any wall of elements liquid lightning combo out there. But I can easily have that same experience on my templar.
    Edited by washbern on July 12, 2019 9:37PM
  • Vajrak
    washbern wrote: »
    Thank you very much, that was a very awesome reply. Yes. My mental struggle is real. I tried out both classes today and hated the necro gameplay. Maybe it'll change next patch but as is now it was soooooo clunky.

    As for Templar... I absolutely loved the templar. Sure, basic overland questing was a breeze. So I went into Scalecaller and here is my takeaway:

    The entire dungeon I was reconfiguring my build. Not because I was doing poorly but because we had some team members unfamiliar with the dungeon. I constantly swapped skills in and out pending on what we needed and it worked great. I assisted the healers, I assisted the tank. I did my deeps and had lots of fun.

    This would have likely not happened on my sorc. I had my bars set up and had barely any flexibility on changing it for lack of better skills.

    To your point about not giving in to fear mongering, I am not. I do not argue that Sorc will pull decent numbers. I just fell out of love with the class. Sorc was a fairly rigid design with maybe two variants on build. It is possible that we will have slightly more variation but itd be a weak change since the only thing we will have to decide which ranged dot suits us better. I can do that on the templar. I can make 5 or 6 variants of a build on a templar, each suited for it's own thing.

    I actually think that on boss fights sorcs will perform better then they are now. I pug all the time. More often than not my tanks have bosses running around the room like waitresses in H0oters on a Friday night. So a single target dot will outperform any wall of elements liquid lightning combo out there. But I can easily have that same experience on my templar.

    I have a secondary account of 6 sorcs in the works -- 1 stam, 1 tank, 4 mag...all with different build and bars. Not saying not to change it up if you're out of love with the class, but only thing that is consistent on all of them is some variant of bound armor and liquid lightning.

    Templar is actually like that by design though, and most of the community misses that point, even though it is the literal class description:

    These traveling knights call upon the power of light and the burning sun to deal massive damage to their enemies while restoring health, magicka and stamina to their allies

    Sweeps, Sweeps, Sweeps (damage)
    Ritual of Retritbution (Health and Damage)
    Purifying Light (Damage and Health)
    Blazing Spear (Damage and Mag/Stam)
    Radiant Aura (AoE Magsteal)
    Honor The Dead/Breath of Life/Healing Ritual (Burst Emergency Heal)
    Nova/morphs for Maim for mitigation, can legitimately run Reviving Barrier Front Bar for more self recovery and a huge Shield/HoT to alleviate burden on healer/tank or recovery from near wipes into fighting ready.

    Just don't look for reliable (non-ult) mitigation for the party, and it's great.
    (If it's not obvious, I main Templar)

    If you want to be cute and PUG often, use Radiant Glory for your execute---can carry you through a lot of burn phases without needing to get extra healing.

    For Monster sets --- people get different results, I've been doing my best with a mixed set for 2x crit bonuses, but my personal build is a bit more on the utility side, so I lose about 5k DPS to be able to put out a bit more healing for group and recovery for self.

    As for Magcro --- it's a bit clunky to start, but once you have your scythe and mage in a good place, it gets a lot friendlier to nuking things, and the DoT bonus for magcro offsets the loss on PTS to Blockade, and boosts the single target DoTs even more. It can be a bit hectic to play, as noted above ("Rotation" is very much a misnomer other than keeping your buffs up), but sometimes and for some play styles that is what people want. Feel free to PM me if you want/need more info, just remember rule 1 --- it's a game. Do what is the most fun, for yourself, without hindering the fun of others needlessly.
  • washbern
    Thanks! I might PM you for your sage advice.
    I got a 50 necro and still feels blah. Like there is a delay on each ability. Not for me

    I plan to run aoe templar with grothdar overwhelming and mother's sorrow.

    Will probably run single target with skoria mothers sorrow and spell strategist

    Later I hope to post up some of my ideas on sorc class redo. I smart. I has dears. Lol.
  • Vajrak
    Only redo sorc really needs is an adjustment to the smoothness of Dark Deal/Exchange, and people to stop leaning so hard on the force-pulse spam to force it to be a single target nuker instead of an AoE burster.
  • Saril_Durzam
    My main is a magplar and my 2nd main is a magsorc. So i understand you. I must say magplar is really cool to play: you have all the tools, survability, damage, healing. You only lack mobility.

    Not playing magcro, playing stamcro right now. Looks more difficult, i´d follow advices of people already playing it. I´d vote magplar.

    Sorcs will work, i guess, at the end. I´m also planning to leave my sorc behind if the changes dont satisfied me. Already played it on PST and i noticed a loss in DPS and specially on survability, with as always sustain issues. If you want to take DPS out of a Sorc with good sustain and survability, well, welcome to the masterclass of ESO.

    Still first week on PST. Things can change so don´t decide until changes were finished. For example, if devs decide to do Dark Conversion instant to balance the DPS, shield and healing lost in the patch, i´d bet class would keep being good.
  • The_Lex
    Edited by The_Lex on July 13, 2019 11:29AM
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