Good morning,
I am considering a re-roll from my magsorc and trying to decide which class to go to. On one hand, i feel like Magplars are tankier and have a lot of very interesting skills. On the other hand, i like pets and i think Necros (when fixed) might be a more interesting class to play.
I am not a terrific player and my PVE goes only as far as normal trials,, vet dungeons and i am yet to play vMA. I like to (sometimes) change up my playstyle. So i am looking for a class that doesn't yield easily to a cookiecutter build. This is partially the reason i'm considering a move a way from Sorc. I liked playing with pets and without. I had several builds that i found interesting for change of pace. I feel like in the next patch the class will lose most if not all of it's class skills and replace them with guild / weapon skills. That experience i can recreate on any other class i pick up so yeah.
Thank you!
Thank you very much, that was a very awesome reply. Yes. My mental struggle is real. I tried out both classes today and hated the necro gameplay. Maybe it'll change next patch but as is now it was soooooo clunky.
As for Templar... I absolutely loved the templar. Sure, basic overland questing was a breeze. So I went into Scalecaller and here is my takeaway:
The entire dungeon I was reconfiguring my build. Not because I was doing poorly but because we had some team members unfamiliar with the dungeon. I constantly swapped skills in and out pending on what we needed and it worked great. I assisted the healers, I assisted the tank. I did my deeps and had lots of fun.
This would have likely not happened on my sorc. I had my bars set up and had barely any flexibility on changing it for lack of better skills.
To your point about not giving in to fear mongering, I am not. I do not argue that Sorc will pull decent numbers. I just fell out of love with the class. Sorc was a fairly rigid design with maybe two variants on build. It is possible that we will have slightly more variation but itd be a weak change since the only thing we will have to decide which ranged dot suits us better. I can do that on the templar. I can make 5 or 6 variants of a build on a templar, each suited for it's own thing.
I actually think that on boss fights sorcs will perform better then they are now. I pug all the time. More often than not my tanks have bosses running around the room like waitresses in H0oters on a Friday night. So a single target dot will outperform any wall of elements liquid lightning combo out there. But I can easily have that same experience on my templar.