ZoS, you are killing your game. I have been playing ESO since Beta and honestly, It's just gotten progressively WORSE and more buggy since Imperial City came out. You guys need to stop trying to fix what isn't broken, and focus on the many many bugs that have still yet to be fixed since Beta, or have been in the game for 2+ Years. Every patch, lag and performance gets worse and worse. Focus on the huge list of broken things you have before adding new content. Come on guys, this is nothing new. You've had years to get your *** together
You are killing your player-base by constantly throwing the game on it's head every few months. People don't like constant nerfs and changes to class identity every patch. You very clearly DO NOT play your own game; Especially not PVP. You need to stop being stubborn and just seperately Balance PVE and PVP already like we have been asking for years, this way you don't feel the need to completely GUT your game and class mechanics every few patches. People have had enough of your bullsht and aren't going to stick around much longer. Hell, even CP was only a band-aid fix that only further increased the unbalance in this game; rendering PVE content laughable, and making people absolutely busted in PVP, as well as severely widening the gap in which new players have to overcome to catch up to veteran players.
It's SO sad seeing what could have been such an amazing and fun game like what it was for such a long time, completely pooped on every single update. None of the things about this game that actually make an MMO Good, are present any longer. Stop trying to rely on the single player RPG PVE quest stuff to completely carry an MMO! That's not the point of an MMO! The point of an MMO is to have competitive and engaging content to do with FRIENDS!!!! Without that, there is 0 replayability. Stop treating the game like an Elderscrolls game first, and like an MMO first and you will have 10000x more success.
At this point you might as well roll back to IC, add all the QoL Updates and try again, because at this rate you guys won't ever succeed in making classes feel unique and diverse like they used to be. There's no reason to even log in anymore. PVP is homogenized and lost all sense of diversity that it used to have way back when. And the game engine is so limiting that it can't even handle all the players without lag.
ESO has been getting to the threshold where people aren't going to put up with your sht anymore Zos. You can ban me, or delete this post; but you can't change the Truth, and the fact of the matter is that nobody even wants to have to make these kinds of posts on the forums but tbh you guys have made the playerbase have to resort to this. Learn how to actually play your game before you make changes that are uninformed and break it further.
Cyrodill keeps getting more and more unplayable every patch, and you guys don't seem to give a single F, you are making a unwise decision by prioritizing crown store content over performance. FIX the bugs that are crippling your playerbase and get worse and more broken with every patch, and you will make wayyyy more money than any singular crownstore update. That's the problem with the gaming industry now a days, you treat people like units of energy to extract money from. How about actually making a game that is engaging and fun? You would make more money and have a much longer future to draw income from if you would stop treating human beings like cattle to be milked dry of every last penny.
Not to mention the complete and utter failure Necromancer was. I wanted to like it so bad, and as I was leveling up Necro it was honestly really fun, but man what a dissapointment.... And the worst part is that it's been this long and its STILL broken. Like come on, you can't expect people to pay for this stuff and it be completely broken
Edited by iPeriphery on July 14, 2019 9:30PM