Less pets (not only because of nerfs, but also like proccs from undaunted webs. 1 spider instead of 2 ? why ?)
Less stuff happening (only 1 orb, only 1 healing springs at the same time possible)
0.5 second (like hail) gets changed to 1 second ticks.
a lot of skills get changed to a lesser "frequency" (f.e. vigor).
Stuff/skills get standardized. (more or less fixed values for DOTs, HOTs, AoE, ...)
Is it just me ? Are they trying to reduce the "load" on servers? Is this the "performance" improvement we got told about ?
If yes, I am a little bit dissapointed. That would be far from "rewriting the code".
Whats your opinion on this ? It looks like nerfmire, we can call it nerfbreaker... BUT is this really everything ?
Please let's discuss about this in a proper manner.
This one hopes that it's just because of the tin foil hat for khajiits... but Lisu is feeling very irritated.
P.S. WW is dead.(hey that's like my new signature
themaddaedra wrote: »The performance upgrade they were talking about is U24. They clearly said that on last ESO live.
But i assume these stuff could help get load down just a lil bit yeah.
They almost double the damage per tick. So basically no nerf. In the potes.
Less pets (not only because of nerfs, but also like proccs from undaunted webs. 1 spider instead of 2 ? why ?)
Less stuff happening (only 1 orb, only 1 healing springs at the same time possible)
0.5 second (like hail) gets changed to 1 second ticks.
a lot of skills get changed to a lesser "frequency" (f.e. vigor).
Stuff/skills get standardized. (more or less fixed values for DOTs, HOTs, AoE, ...)
Is it just me ? Are they trying to reduce the "load" on servers? Is this the "performance" improvement we got told about ?
If yes, I am a little bit dissapointed. That would be far from "rewriting the code".
Whats your opinion on this ? It looks like nerfmire, we can call it nerfbreaker... BUT is this really everything ?
Please let's discuss about this in a proper manner.
This one hopes that it's just because of the tin foil hat for khajiits... but Lisu is feeling very irritated.
P.S. WW is dead.(hey that's like my new signature
Less pets (not only because of nerfs, but also like proccs from undaunted webs. 1 spider instead of 2 ? why ?)
Less stuff happening (only 1 orb, only 1 healing springs at the same time possible)
0.5 second (like hail) gets changed to 1 second ticks.
a lot of skills get changed to a lesser "frequency" (f.e. vigor).
Stuff/skills get standardized. (more or less fixed values for DOTs, HOTs, AoE, ...)
Is it just me ? Are they trying to reduce the "load" on servers? Is this the "performance" improvement we got told about ?
If yes, I am a little bit dissapointed. That would be far from "rewriting the code".
Whats your opinion on this ? It looks like nerfmire, we can call it nerfbreaker... BUT is this really everything ?
Please let's discuss about this in a proper manner.
This one hopes that it's just because of the tin foil hat for khajiits... but Lisu is feeling very irritated.
P.S. WW is dead.(hey that's like my new signature
On the other hand, they uncapped some AOE skills, like detonation.
Oh wait, that helps too. Dead bodies don't lag
Is it just me ? Are they trying to reduce the "load" on servers? Is this the "performance" improvement we got told about ?
If yes, I am a little bit dissapointed. That would be far from "rewriting the code".
scorpius2k1 wrote: »I sure hope band aiding by nerf and players leaving aren't the "solution" to all the performance problems because we will be back at this point again and again. It's temporary at best. I sure hope those actual performance fixes they mentioned on ZoS' last live stream are really going to happen. I'm on the fence being fairly apprehensive at this point but also hopeful I guess. 50/50.
It sure would be nice if the upcoming bug and performance fixes were as long a list as the latest 30+ pages of patch notes regarding everything else...