yes another post bitching about the patch notes. I just really wanna let ZoS know most of these changes (besides the healing ones, those are idiotic in so many ways) will have such minimal impact on the top 1% of the game while be detrimental to literally everyone else. Anyone who isn't an absolute god might see their dps drop as much as 5-8k, while top players will still be pulling at least around 57k, +/- 3k. I was a stamblade main for a while and with those nerfs in elsweyr I saw my dps go from 42k to about 36-37k so I changed to stamcro. With this shitshow, caltrops being nuked into the ground and just everything going to ***, i'd be AMAZED if I was able to pull higher than 35k. You're just *** over everyone except the highest end players, if anything there needs to be buffs in some way that bring the lower threshhold higher. I'm baffled that you guys claim you play this game. These patch notes show y'all haven't even attempted your own endgame content. how the ever living *** do you expect people to get Godslayer? when they couldn't already? or even basic veteran trials, vHoF, vCR, vAS, all are gonna be borderline impossible with one *** orb and one healing springs. Healchecks are gonna be impossible if you can't stack heals, ZoS! You make healers absolutely useless. Trial groups would be better off running 10 magplars with breath of life or 10 stam dps running echoing vigor than 2 tanks 2 heals and 8 dps. How do you go and make content that isn't achievable by 85% of the player base and now make it inaccessible to 95% and call that balance????
get your head out of your asses. I've praised the ESO dev team for such a long time, that despite some bad nerfs here and there, you guys still listen to the community and make alot of great decisions and always add great content, but this is such a *** joke
Not only that, but you can also pay for skill lines? *** outta here.
AND I wanna know what in the hell were you guys thinking making the reward for a challenger achievement a *** MEMENTO. NOBODY WANTS MEMENTOS, NOBODY USES MEMENTOS, GIVE THAT FOR VET COMPLETION, NOT CHALLENGER. And the pet you guys give is the laziest pet I've ever seen. its a *** basic scamp you see anywhere else with a backpack. these are the worst rewards and make horns of the reach look like amazing rewards. Wheres the skin? wheres a personality? wheres literally anything else? I'd rather have a *** weapon style than a useless memento.
This is not overreacting. this is genuinely the worst update you guys have ever done for so many reasons and I hope to god you revert some of this ***, I was expecting so many other nerfs, for example, one GOOD one would have been bone golem going from 20s to 12s, thats a good and fair nerf. 1 orb is not. 60% less caltrop damage is not.
Former Guild Master for the Gold Dragon Inquisitors
Former Officer for the Stolen Sweetroll
The Bone Zone, Gryphon Heart | Argonian Necrotank
Agristair Theol, Shield of the North | Breton Sorctank
Julius Tullius Raenor, Immortal Redeemer | Imperial TankDK
Rhosh the Impaler, Mageslayer | Orc Tankplar
Blind-From-Shadows, Boethiah's Scythe | Argonain Tankblade
Darius Countenain, Kyne's Will | Redguard Tankden
... and a bunch of other dps and heal toons
| CP 1300+ | 6500+hrs |