This patch will expose so many players who have up till now been able to never bother learning basic game mechanics and have hidden in large groups, monkey spamming a single ability. Adding nuance and a skill curve to effective healing has long been overdue, PvE and PvP. This might even require more than 2 healers in vet trials. Healers should be excited, they have a chance to show skill and excel, and might even have more roles in trials. But the ones shouting loudest are the ones secretly aware that they were one-buttoning their way into groups they didn't have any job really being in yet.
Feel free to go onto pts on monday and show how easy hard mode Lokkeestiiz is.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
VaranisArano wrote: »Leaving aside the idea that players are going to be "exposed" for using a skill that's a vital part of the Healers' toolkit...
In PVP, it'll impact disorganized raids, PUG zergs, and any small group who ran a healer far more than it will the larger, organized raids who can adjust or add more healers due to the change. (This is nothing new. Organized small groups and Organized large raids already dominate over the disorganized masses simply due to their teamwork. Changing the skills used just means organized groups find new tactics to use just as effectively as before.)
And in PVE, it'll impact progression groups, non templar/warden healers, and players trying to learn new content far more than it will groups that have already completed hard content and thus can adjust their group to compensate for the change instead of pooling everything they've got to complete in the first place.
Its not really a matter of "get good" or "learn2heal."
Its as simple as "Experience + Teamwork is OP" because an experienced team in PVP and PVE can compensate for a nerf to their healers' toolkits.
I was thinking that one since its quick to get to, but those fights are perfect examples as well, game was designed around this skill which hasn't changed much since launch, can't just butcher it and expect everything to keep working.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
I was thinking that one since its quick to get to, but those fights are perfect examples as well, game was designed around this skill which hasn't changed much since launch, can't just butcher it and expect everything to keep working.
Fair, tho getting to vCR+3 is Pretty fast, if you cant reach execute, well there must be something wrong with heals
This patch will expose so many players who have up till now been able to never bother learning basic game mechanics and have hidden in large groups, monkey spamming a single ability. Adding nuance and a skill curve to effective healing has long been overdue, PvE and PvP. This might even require more than 2 healers in vet trials. Healers should be excited, they have a chance to show skill and excel, and might even have more roles in trials. But the ones shouting loudest are the ones secretly aware that they were one-buttoning their way into groups they didn't have any job really being in yet.
DovahkiinHeart wrote: »I find it a little ironic considering OP said in another thread they made, "this is the closest I have come to vowing to never return to this malfunctioning mess ever again" and "please focus on providing an experience that is even bordering on playable instead of simply pushing out new content from the pipeline."
DovahkiinHeart wrote: »I find it a little ironic considering OP said in another thread they made, "this is the closest I have come to vowing to never return to this malfunctioning mess ever again" and "please focus on providing an experience that is even bordering on playable instead of simply pushing out new content from the pipeline."
GarnetFire17 wrote: »I don't see what the problem was. So they can spam healing springs so what? in PVP you can just put a negate on them or they just run out of resources. Maybe if they it was a bit strong they fine tune it but not nerf it into the ground.
don't know about trials, but i hate healers in PUG dungeons spaming springs with stupid Sanctuary set xd. Worst possible healers. This combo almost never works in most dungeons, due to players don't want to stay in small pack together... and that Snipe spamer guy prefer to shoot mobs miles away from group
Though i don't understand making Rapid/Mutagen "self only" (recast for one other player). If you do all your "standartization", then make Rapid regen resto independant, or put Vigor in weapon tree too.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »New healing spammable = Combat Prayer.
Can't wait to get flammed from dead DDs who did not stay in my Cbt Prayer cone.
This patch will expose so many players who have up till now been able to never bother learning basic game mechanics and have hidden in large groups, monkey spamming a single ability. Adding nuance and a skill curve to effective healing has long been overdue, PvE and PvP. This might even require more than 2 healers in vet trials. Healers should be excited, they have a chance to show skill and excel, and might even have more roles in trials. But the ones shouting loudest are the ones secretly aware that they were one-buttoning their way into groups they didn't have any job really being in yet.
There are enough ways to heal 12 ppl up again. Healing springs and orb spam was only very convenient.
In terms of magicka effeciency,. healing springs spam is/was #1.
Seraphayel wrote: »There are enough ways to heal 12 ppl up again. Healing springs and orb spam was only very convenient.
In terms of magicka effeciency,. healing springs spam is/was #1.
This is the case. It was convenient, easy to use and did too much for too little effort.
The meltdown of DPS that now fear to build for sustain or throw in a HA once in a while to keep the flow of their resources... it's amusing.