Wasn't it great having a few months where magDK could roll in PvE without getting heckled? But given that our toolbox is mostly DoTs--and DoTs are on the chopping block--its back to being a pure pvp class. Hooray for class diversity! /s
I've seen a lot of parse #s (including my own) and since the DK damage buffs I pretty consistently hit 45k (not ridiculously high, but certainly respectable). It's not truly "competitive," but at least I can join a trial without getting heckled out right now. Looks like it's gonna take a hit this patch though...
irstarkey57 wrote: »Eruption costing 5500 or whatever it is and getting a 37 percent damage decrease it absolutely ridiculous. meanwhile Liquid Lightning costs 2k less and is arguably more powerful. I truly don't understand it. It's like they finally worked the dk up to make it just close enough to being doable in trials again.....*** NOPE. Unbelieveable. Not only that but all our skills went up in cost. People won't even run eruption anymore i bet. It is already the first skill you dump in your rotation when sustain gets rough, so yea. I do 55k on 6m dummy and 80k on the raid dummy. Not the highest in game but pretty decent. Throwing that out there just in case i get the you don't know how to play the class trolls. I also pvp with this class at 1100 mag recovery. that will prob change : /
irstarkey57 wrote: »Eruption costing 5500 or whatever it is and getting a 37 percent damage decrease it absolutely ridiculous. meanwhile Liquid Lightning costs 2k less and is arguably more powerful. I truly don't understand it. It's like they finally worked the dk up to make it just close enough to being doable in trials again.....*** NOPE. Unbelieveable. Not only that but all our skills went up in cost. People won't even run eruption anymore i bet. It is already the first skill you dump in your rotation when sustain gets rough, so yea. I do 55k on 6m dummy and 80k on the raid dummy. Not the highest in game but pretty decent. Throwing that out there just in case i get the you don't know how to play the class trolls. I also pvp with this class at 1100 mag recovery. that will prob change : /
Do we substitute fire rune instead now?
Flama_Blama wrote: »DKs are getting nerfed due to the nerf on seething fury.
With regards to the effect of DOT changes I will reserve judgement till after testing.
themaddaedra wrote: »mAgDk GoT gUtTeD
Spear Shards:
Decreased cost of this ability and its morphs to 3024 from 3240.
Decreased the DoT damage of Spear Shards and Luminous by approximately 37% per tick, and Blazing Spear by approximately 42% per tick.
Solar Barrage (morph): Decreased the damage of this morph by approximately 33% per tick.
Teleport Strike:
Lotus Fan (morph): Decreased the damage per tick of the DoT by approximately 22%, and fixed an issue where the final tick was not being affected by Minor Vulnerability.
Path of Darkness:
Twisting Path (morph): Decreased the damage per tick of this ability by approximately 14%.
Summon Shade: Increased the cost for this ability and its morphs to 4050 from 2700.
Dark Shade (morph): Reduced the damage per hit of Corrosive Flurry by approximately 9%. The area attack, Corrosive Slash, now deals the same damage as the normal attack, instead of dealing 20% bonus damage.
Daedric Summoning
Conjured Ward:
Reduced the shield size of this ability and the Empowered Ward morph by approximately 18%, and increased the cost of this ability and the Hardened Ward morph to 4320 from 3510.
Summon Unstable Clannfear (morph): Reduced the healing granted from the special activation of this ability by approximately 14% to ensure it’s in line with other burst heal abilities, such as Rushed Ceremony or Dragon’s Blood.
Reduced the damage of the Winged Twilight and Twilight Matriarch by approximately 69% per hit.
Summon Twilight Tormentor (morph): Reduced the damage dealt by the Twilight’s Zap and Kick by approximately 35%. These attacks will now rank up in 1.1% damage per rank, rather than 5%.
Lightning Splash: Decreased the cost of this ability and its morphs to 3024 from 3510, and decreased the damage per tick by approximately 37%.
JumpmanLane wrote: »Combustion ain’t bad. IF you forget about Molten and run flamelash. You’ll have time to sneak a heavy in on trash players but you’d be wiser to just go lash powerlash or lash leap powerlash and assume you’re fighting 1.5 @Sypher lol, someone who knows MagDk inside out, someone who knows what YOU’RE gonna do on a MagDk before you do it, someone who is up out and gone before you powerlash. Combustion will help.
Embers and Engulfing’s cost increase are indeed nerfs if you try to use the very much now trash (and NERFED) Molten. (That crap only worked when it was broke ANYWAYS lol. They “FIXED” it hehehehe).
Raising the cost of Fossilize...hmmm...not something you’d actually spam...might bear testing but an increase IS a nerf...
MagDk wasn’t gutted but Molten Whip was. Reducing the damage of dots uh WHY?
I can’t think of anything else funny to say about it all because it gets less funny the more I think about it.
On top of that MagDKs might get two new DoTs (like everybody else), Destructive Touch and Scalding Rune.
. Eruption costing 5500 or whatever it is and getting a 37 percent damage decrease it absolutely ridiculous. meanwhile Liquid Lightning costs 2k less and is arguably more powerful.
irstarkey57 wrote: »Eruption costing 5500 or whatever it is and getting a 37 percent damage decrease it absolutely ridiculous. meanwhile Liquid Lightning costs 2k less and is arguably more powerful. I truly don't understand it. It's like they finally worked the dk up to make it just close enough to being doable in trials again.....*** NOPE. Unbelieveable. Not only that but all our skills went up in cost. People won't even run eruption anymore i bet. It is already the first skill you dump in your rotation when sustain gets rough, so yea. I do 55k on 6m dummy and 80k on the raid dummy. Not the highest in game but pretty decent. Throwing that out there just in case i get the you don't know how to play the class trolls. I also pvp with this class at 1100 mag recovery. that will prob change : /
Sanguinor2 wrote: »For PvE simply replace all class dots you can with non class dots, that seems to be the Goal of this update, you dont Need engulfing in single target because the tank will use it anyway and you can drop Eruption for sure, this obviously depends on the values of the non class dots, but if they end up better then just get rid of all your class dots, great solution that really helps diversity Right?
Pops_ND_Irish wrote: »
Vercingetorix wrote: »The only class that walked away relatively unscathed was Templar. Everybody else either got nerfed in to the ground, had their problems ignored, or a combination of both:
Necromancers still don't have Major Sorcery and have a clunky Flame Skull animation.
Sorcerers got bent over hard by the patch notes this time around.
Nightblades' DoTs got hit by the nerf hammer.
Dragonknights' already high resource costs were increased and their damage got nerfed.
Magicka Wardens were an endangered species last year, now they are effectively extinct.
Vercingetorix wrote: »The only class that walked away relatively unscathed was Templar. Everybody else either got nerfed in to the ground, had their problems ignored, or a combination of both:
Necromancers still don't have Major Sorcery and have a clunky Flame Skull animation.
Sorcerers got bent over hard by the patch notes this time around.
Nightblades' DoTs got hit by the nerf hammer.
Dragonknights' already high resource costs were increased and their damage got nerfed.
Magicka Wardens were an endangered species last year, now they are effectively extinct.