Fang_of_Lorkhaj wrote: »So I'd like some opinions from a pve dps magplar stand point. Shard and solar barrage got the "get fu**ed nerf" do you think the damage reduction will affect the classes performance? I mean currently on console magplar at the most are hitting 90k on the 21mil however I'm not sure that'll be the case after this patch goes live.
Sanguinor2 wrote: »You will still have to use shards for the Burning light procs, depending on how good other single target dots are you can just drop every class ability outside of shards and enjoy your new build diversity.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »
To drop what? source of empower, when 25% of dps comes from light attacks? blockade which is source of LA damage and backbar enchantment 99% uptime? tbh, there is nothing to drop. Nightblades and sorc can drop shade and tormentor for one of new dots, but magplar? no.