I've had bad luck with guilds. I generally join the mega-sized guilds thinking that I'll garner greater wisdom and advice and have a greater chance of selling things in the giant guild stores and that there will be lots of activity. What I'm finding is that each guild is a bit different. You'll find some with a good guild store but they're rather inactive and never found in the guild's voice chat. Then you have some super active guilds but they don't have a store. The one thing I find most common, however, is that the big guilds are very "cliquish." They have a set of core members that are great buddies who aren't necessarily prone to accepting outsiders. That's cool. I understand. If I was a member of a core group that worked well together I probably wouldn't want to rock the boat either.
Anyway, I'm just a lowlife, fairly inexperienced gamer who wants to keep things simple. I don't want to be a drag on a mega-group where every player has a 150 characters; are experts at tanking, healing, and damage; and who can run trials all by themselves with one hand tied behind their back. I'm simply not that advanced in the game. I've been playing for a long time but I'm an old fart (58 years old) who only picked up gaming a few years ago and only did so as a hobby. I played single player games (Fallout series, Skyrim, etc.) for several years before ever getting into multi-player. I had no idea how to be a good member of a 4-person or 12-person team and I was horrible in dungeons and/or PvP (Cyrodiil). So I simply stuck to playing solo and learning what I could along the way. Well, here I am 5 years into the game and I'm finally bored with the solo stuff. So I've tried several guilds lately but their members are made up of ultra-experienced players and I'm nothing but a drag on "the team." I also found out that my character (a DK Stam build) is the "least desirable" character in a team atmosphere. And I fully understand that people are busy and don't want to have to stop everything they're doing and train an old dog like me.
So ... all that said, I'm looking for a group of regular people who don't mind having a DK Stam Imperial in their midst. Who like to run around and do stuff. And who don't mind taking on an old hippy like myself. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Are there any active but small or mid-sized guilds looking for an active (I sign in daily) dude who pays his dues and has lots to sell in the guild store? I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Thanks for listening! FixedBlade123