To all those of you basically saying that expecting that player to wait for a respawn is "entitlement" and that they were totally in their rights to take the kill in front of OP : what the heck is wrong with you ? Have you heard of common courtesy ? When you find yourself in line, do you suddenly decide to cut in front of the other people waiting because respecting their right of priority is a hassle to you and a waste of time ?
redspecter23 wrote: »To all those of you basically saying that expecting that player to wait for a respawn is "entitlement" and that they were totally in their rights to take the kill in front of OP : what the heck is wrong with you ? Have you heard of common courtesy ? When you find yourself in line, do you suddenly decide to cut in front of the other people waiting because respecting their right of priority is a hassle to you and a waste of time ?
So standing beside and NPC negates the ability for anyone else to kill that NPC by that logic? There are no dibs in ESO. It's your kill when you kill it, not when you get within some arbitrary range and crouch down. Who decides this range? 5 meters? 10 meters? If I crouch near 2 NPC's, are they both off limits until I choose if I'm actually doing anything with them?
Mechanically speaking, the game works the way it does because it has to. Yes, if I see someone crouching near a mob, I typically just keep on going. There are other opportunities. However, if I happen to also need that mob dead for some reason, you're darn right I'm going to come in there guns blazing to try and get the kill. I don't want to wait on that respawn anymore than the other guy does.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »I doubt he ever noticed you, he was just rushing this quests to open daily for tickets. Also he probably have dozens of useless otherwise bounty cleaners, so he just using them now without caring about be stealthy.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
redspecter23 wrote: »He saw someone stalking his kill and about to get it, forcing HIM to wait on the respawn if it were to happen. He did what would benefit him and took the shot while he was able to. You complain about him taking your kill when you were about to do the exact same thing. Style points don't remove the respawn wait time and hovering around a target doesn't equate to "dibs".
To all those of you basically saying that expecting that player to wait for a respawn is "entitlement" and that they were totally in their rights to take the kill in front of OP : what the heck is wrong with you ? Have you heard of common courtesy ? When you find yourself in line, do you suddenly decide to cut in front of the other people waiting because respecting their right of priority is a hassle to you and a waste of time ?
MartiniDaniels wrote: »I doubt he ever noticed you, he was just rushing this quests to open daily for tickets. Also he probably have dozens of useless otherwise bounty cleaners, so he just using them now without caring about be stealthy.
nonsense. daily for tickets is instanced and if you are about to say (they were just trying to unlock Dark brotherhood) they had ALL that time they played to get to champ 800+ to do that and that still doesn't excuse lack of basic courtesy.
BomblePants wrote: »To all those of you basically saying that expecting that player to wait for a respawn is "entitlement" and that they were totally in their rights to take the kill in front of OP : what the heck is wrong with you ? Have you heard of common courtesy ? When you find yourself in line, do you suddenly decide to cut in front of the other people waiting because respecting their right of priority is a hassle to you and a waste of time ?
Oh look a normal person! I second this...
BomblePants wrote: »To all those of you basically saying that expecting that player to wait for a respawn is "entitlement" and that they were totally in their rights to take the kill in front of OP : what the heck is wrong with you ? Have you heard of common courtesy ? When you find yourself in line, do you suddenly decide to cut in front of the other people waiting because respecting their right of priority is a hassle to you and a waste of time ?
Oh look a normal person! I second this...
"Excuse me sir, but you murdered the person I was stalking around before you arrived, and that's very rude and you lack common courtesy!"
Just saying, I am a max CP player and I don't even bother to sneak during any DB or TG quest anymore.. I just want to grab my event ticket asap and be done with that boring stuff for the day. I sprint through the sacrament with a speed buff and drop my ultimate on the target, then I die to all the aggroed enemies on purpose so I can get out faster.
And I have all the "perfect sacrament" achievements and whatnot on my char. So much for "having to learn how to stealth". It is just boring and takes too long.
Sorry that someone stole your kill, but next time you should try to do it faster then.
disintegr8 wrote: »Been happening for the 4 years I've been playing, whether it's a kill, a resource node or a chest - first in first served.
this game made people like that - by making it a competition to get these things.....
There are other games out there where everyone can farm the node if they want to....
To all those of you basically saying that expecting that player to wait for a respawn is "entitlement" and that they were totally in their rights to take the kill in front of OP : what the heck is wrong with you ? Have you heard of common courtesy ? When you find yourself in line, do you suddenly decide to cut in front of the other people waiting because respecting their right of priority is a hassle to you and a waste of time ?
disintegr8 wrote: »Been happening for the 4 years I've been playing, whether it's a kill, a resource node or a chest - first in first served.
Agreed. But if you're nice about it, like I always am, make sure to leave the runner up something tasty from your Questionable Meat Sack as a consolation prize.
This is the fundamental problem with the adversarial gameplay that the developers have intentionally created for this game. Far too much content is competitive AGAINST your fellow players, there's not a lot of reward for co-operating WITH them, certainly not in open world content.
Everything from opening chests and harvesting resource nodes, to killing specific mobs and triggering special events, all is adversarial and it's usually not good if other players are in the vicinity. Which is an utterly broken way to design a MMO.
ESO has always felt like a single player game that they tried to shoe horn MMO gameplay into, rather than a MMO that allows you to do stuff solo but is usually better or more fun grouped.
Other MMOs do so much better at being MMOs, where co-operation is REWARDED not penalised. where everyone can harvest a node, everyone gets their own loot, where kill stealing isn't an issue and helping on a tough mob or event is something to be appreciated, not scorned. Those games tend to have a better community as a result too because the emphasis is on helping each other, not competing with each other.