ZarkingFrued wrote: »I'm saying gap close after you break free. You have immunity for like 3 sec. Break free is glitchy, it happens
Waffennacht wrote: »If you're talking about a lack of CC immunity; like you get Speared, or Clenched and then DK leaps and your character gets knocked back a second time when you should have immunity; then there is no counter as that shouldn't be happening (probably a relic from when you had to CC break to actually gain immunity)
Waffennacht wrote: »If you're talking about a lack of CC immunity; like you get Speared, or Clenched and then DK leaps and your character gets knocked back a second time when you should have immunity; then there is no counter as that shouldn't be happening (probably a relic from when you had to CC break to actually gain immunity)
I think this is what he is talking about. As I've noticed that sometimes it bugs and can be ping ponged around by knockbacks if they land at just the right time. Dizzy + clench seem to be a major culprit as well as either plus leap. It must not activate immunity till slightly after it lands and the animation starts or lag is messing with it.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »I'm saying gap close after you break free. You have immunity for like 3 sec. Break free is glitchy, it happens
Is it a lag issue? I’ve noticed after playing for a while I’ll get more and more laggy. Especially in cyrodiil, where it will eventually lead to a disconnect.
Quick restart fix the issue?
ZarkingFrued wrote: »I'm saying gap close after you break free. You have immunity for like 3 sec. Break free is glitchy, it happens
Is it a lag issue? I’ve noticed after playing for a while I’ll get more and more laggy. Especially in cyrodiil, where it will eventually lead to a disconnect.
Quick restart fix the issue?
ZarkingFrued wrote: »I'm saying gap close after you break free. You have immunity for like 3 sec. Break free is glitchy, it happens
Is it a lag issue? I’ve noticed after playing for a while I’ll get more and more laggy. Especially in cyrodiil, where it will eventually lead to a disconnect.
Quick restart fix the issue?
If you happen to lag more the longer you play (not playing afternoon into prime time), you should sort out your add-ons. Floating combat text and minimap are primary offenders here.
ZarkingFrued wrote: »I'm saying gap close after you break free. You have immunity for like 3 sec. Break free is glitchy, it happens
Is it a lag issue? I’ve noticed after playing for a while I’ll get more and more laggy. Especially in cyrodiil, where it will eventually lead to a disconnect.
Quick restart fix the issue?
If you happen to lag more the longer you play (not playing afternoon into prime time), you should sort out your add-ons. Floating combat text and minimap are primary offenders here.
Do you mean the in-game combat text as well?
ZarkingFrued wrote: »I'm saying gap close after you break free. You have immunity for like 3 sec. Break free is glitchy, it happens
Is it a lag issue? I’ve noticed after playing for a while I’ll get more and more laggy. Especially in cyrodiil, where it will eventually lead to a disconnect.
Quick restart fix the issue?
If you happen to lag more the longer you play (not playing afternoon into prime time), you should sort out your add-ons. Floating combat text and minimap are primary offenders here.
Do you mean the in-game combat text as well?
No, in-game combat text is fine for me. But stuff like FTC or LUI extended (combat text options) as well as the minimaps can happen to become laggy after extended fights. Just activate what you really need shown. The authors are always fixing stuff and there is no stack overflow like it used to be but the more add-ons you have hooking on the events and refreshing their calculations every frame, the more FPS drops and lag you will have. I suppose the ESO Lua engine is not the quickest.
Though lag does not vanish but at least stuff doesn't become worse over time as your memory runs full.
Waffennacht wrote: »If you're talking about a lack of CC immunity; like you get Speared, or Clenched and then DK leaps and your character gets knocked back a second time when you should have immunity; then there is no counter as that shouldn't be happening (probably a relic from when you had to CC break to actually gain immunity)
If you're talking about being CC'd on cooldowns, you can try a dodge roll occasionally if not a Stam class. As a mag class I usually just make sure to always have enough Stam to CC break
xylena_lazarow wrote: »"How do I counter Rock?"
"With Paper."
"What if my opponent plays Scissors?"
I more mean during the chain cc animation. I’d say it’s one of the leading causes of my death.
Immunity pots or gap closers fire during the knockback animation? I could block (I think) but it’d deplete my stamina fast and my main is magicka.