A quick noob question...
Lets assume the same character with same same stats, using the same skill in the same mob.
A mag Necro using blastbones, or graveyard, whatever...
average 160lvl spell dmg, and average 160lvl crit chance
What adds more sheet damage to the skills? (combat numbers in the screen)
1. +400 spell dmg
2. +20% spell dmg
3. +10% crit dmg
I know it depends on a lot of things... but i am trying to understand which is usually stronger, and which is usually weaker.
(its all bonus from sets)
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Simplified effective spell power is like: (spell damage*1.05 + 0.1*maxmagicka)*(1+critchance*critdamage)
Obviously dependency on your spell crit and crit damage is huge, so only you can say what is better for you by making this simple calculation.
Example: 3k spelldamage, 40k magicka, 50% crit chance, crit damage x2 (+100%).
Your baseline effective spell power will be (3000*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1)=10725
If you add +20% spell damage, it will be +600 to SD, which is higher then 400*1.3 (major+minor sorcery).
So in case of extra+20% damage=(3600*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1)=11670
And if you add +10% to crit damage, it will be (3000*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1.1)=11082.
But problem is that if you are speaking about sets, generally there are better ways to get +20% to spell damage (major sorcery, rattlecage?) and +10% to crit (minor force, medusa?). AFAIK first set is somewhat usable in PVP and second set is trash, and in PVE both of them are trash...
I swapped from a pure spell damage build to a pure crit build and my parses went up by ~10k near instantly. You have soo much more potential damage in crit. 1 set piece bonus is 833 for crit. Some of the stronger damage dealing sets dont even get to that number in spell damage when you add up all the bonuses.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Simplified effective spell power is like: (spell damage*1.05 + 0.1*maxmagicka)*(1+critchance*critdamage)
Obviously dependency on your spell crit and crit damage is huge, so only you can say what is better for you by making this simple calculation.
Example: 3k spelldamage, 40k magicka, 50% crit chance, crit damage x2 (+100%).
Your baseline effective spell power will be (3000*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1)=10725
If you add +20% spell damage, it will be +600 to SD, which is higher then 400*1.3 (major+minor sorcery).
So in case of extra+20% damage=(3600*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1)=11670
And if you add +10% to crit damage, it will be (3000*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1.1)=11082.
But problem is that if you are speaking about sets, generally there are better ways to get +20% to spell damage (major sorcery, rattlecage?) and +10% to crit (minor force, medusa?). AFAIK first set is somewhat usable in PVP and second set is trash, and in PVE both of them are trash...
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Simplified effective spell power is like: (spell damage*1.05 + 0.1*maxmagicka)*(1+critchance*critdamage)
Obviously dependency on your spell crit and crit damage is huge, so only you can say what is better for you by making this simple calculation.
Example: 3k spelldamage, 40k magicka, 50% crit chance, crit damage x2 (+100%).
Your baseline effective spell power will be (3000*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1)=10725
If you add +20% spell damage, it will be +600 to SD, which is higher then 400*1.3 (major+minor sorcery).
So in case of extra+20% damage=(3600*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1)=11670
And if you add +10% to crit damage, it will be (3000*1.05+0.1*40000)*(1+0.5*1.1)=11082.
But problem is that if you are speaking about sets, generally there are better ways to get +20% to spell damage (major sorcery, rattlecage?) and +10% to crit (minor force, medusa?). AFAIK first set is somewhat usable in PVP and second set is trash, and in PVE both of them are trash...
From a noob perspective, rattlecage and medusa seems one of the best for dmg... what do you suggest instead?
(Could be light, heavy, anything...)
Assuming regen is all right.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Without having all the numbers required to check this on your build, I can tell you that for mine:
129 Spell Damage = 2.1% Damage
833 Spell Crit = 2.3% Damage
10% Crit Damage = 4% Damage
1096 Max Magicka = 1.8% Damage
Shouldn’t be too far off for what you’re doing.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »WrathOfInnos wrote: »Without having all the numbers required to check this on your build, I can tell you that for mine:
129 Spell Damage = 2.1% Damage
833 Spell Crit = 2.3% Damage
10% Crit Damage = 4% Damage
1096 Max Magicka = 1.8% Damage
Shouldn’t be too far off for what you’re doing.
what are the rest of your stats of your build?
ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »I have yet to find an answer to this question that satisfies me. ZOS actually hides the numbers from your character sheet as far as i can tell so unless you know the math, there's no way to know. Some peopledo but i am not one. Honestly i wish they would list you crit damage on the character sheet. But understand, even if they did it would still change based on buffs in combat, not just yours but one others cast too. So it could potentially change in every dungeon or trial.
rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »I play only mag characters in PvE and spell crit damage bonuses are worthless, because when you get a bit more CP and good good debufs you will already have +70-100% crit damage. So adding another +10% crit damage will add it up to +8--110% so the damage gain will not be that much.
That is true, you should keep an eye on how much crit chance you’ll gain in execute, and make sure that doesn’t put you over 100%. Any crit you’re adding beyond this has highly diminishing returns. Easy to adjust this by choosing your sets, and whether or not to use Precise trait on your front bar weapon.rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »Since you are a necro you should be looking for the crit change that you will run solo or in group to be somewhere around 60% as you most likely run 4 necro abilities on front bar which will give in execute another 40% crit chance and you dont want to have more than 100% crit change.
rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »Another thing is that if you plan on getting the spell stragetist set you must know that the 400 spell damage that you gain is a debuf on the enemy so it wont get buffed by 20% by your CP or other damage modifiers. Meaning that you will most likely gain more damage with burning spelweave or better yet julianos as BSW is a bit tricky to maximize its uptime and not that noob friendly.
rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »And most importantly don't ever forget to weave light attacks between abilities as that is another ~20% damage increase.
and if you can get in group the new trial sets are awesome.
And people say there's no variety in the game...
Only true for the highest of endgames.
My general idea after 3 thousand hours of game play is that aside from very specific clearly trash sets, even the ones people call trash can be acceptable if you build around its weaknesses. This is a balancing game, everything is a trade-off.
Bringing this to your question, and assuming you're somewhat new to the game, this all means it doesn't matter of you go for damage, crit chance, or crit damage... They'll all be somewhat close to each other on overall performance. It only matters after you've refined rotation, because this is where the real damage is, not on min maxed bonuses. Just make sure whatever you choose fits your play style.
As two examples, I have a farming character running coward and fiord, and the sustain is so good that even with bells average damage, I can solo stuff because resources are always readily available. Efficient? No. Effective? I'd say so.
The other one is a build I'm having way too much fun playing, a magblade vamp healer, Magicka Regen based. No compromises on Regen, got it up to 4.1k, with 35k Magicka, 17k health, 12k Stam, 43% crit chance... And 1335 spell damage (haha!) As you can see, I've sacrificed everything else for it mostly, but in the end I can sit and face tank anything that doesn't one hit kill because my Magicka never goes below 70% so I can heal and shield forever. And I can pop damaging NB healing skill forever too. Again... Effective? Very much so. Efficient? Absolutely not. And I'm loving it so much. So are my friends.
So again... Worry less, be creative if you want, think outside the box, see what suits you. Only then you worry about min max.
ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »I have yet to find an answer to this question that satisfies me. ZOS actually hides the numbers from your character sheet as far as i can tell so unless you know the math, there's no way to know. Some peopledo but i am not one. Honestly i wish they would list you crit damage on the character sheet. But understand, even if they did it would still change based on buffs in combat, not just yours but one others cast too. So it could potentially change in every dungeon or trial.
There's add-ons for that...
ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »so if i want a good hybrid dps/healer, go for spell damage.... good to know
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Without having all the numbers required to check this on your build, I can tell you that for mine:
129 Spell Damage = 2.1% Damage
833 Spell Crit = 2.3% Damage
10% Crit Damage = 4% Damage
1096 Max Magicka = 1.8% Damage
Shouldn’t be too far off for what you’re doing.