Because "build diversity, what build diversity ?"
Seraphayel wrote: »Because that’s how the game is build. It’s exactly the same for MagDPS except you don’t have any weapon choice and MUST use Destruction Staff.
daedalusAI wrote: »I'm rather annoyed that bow/caltrops are the only way to get persistent stamina damage on any stamina build, as the other weapon lines in DW and 2H just offer nothing of that kind.
I could name Blade Cloak as something similar, but it only ticks every 3 seconds and doesn't even come close to Volley/Caltrops in terms of damage.
ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »Seraphayel wrote: »Because that’s how the game is build. It’s exactly the same for MagDPS except you don’t have any weapon choice and MUST use Destruction Staff.
But you have three destro staffs, well two functionally, but three are in the game.
daedalusAI wrote: »I'm rather annoyed that bow/caltrops are the only way to get persistent stamina damage on any stamina build, as the other weapon lines in DW and 2H just offer nothing of that kind.
I could name Blade Cloak as something similar, but it only ticks every 3 seconds and doesn't even come close to Volley/Caltrops in terms of damage.
Seraphayel wrote: »Because that’s how the game is build.
daedalusAI wrote: »I'm rather annoyed that bow/caltrops are the only way to get persistent stamina damage on any stamina build, as the other weapon lines in DW and 2H just offer nothing of that kind.
I could name Blade Cloak as something similar, but it only ticks every 3 seconds and doesn't even come close to Volley/Caltrops in terms of damage.
Only when the target offers the convenience to stand still. As in dummyThere are many other skills that do good/excelent damage. Twin Slashes for example.
daedalusAI wrote: »daedalusAI wrote: »I'm rather annoyed that bow/caltrops are the only way to get persistent stamina damage on any stamina build, as the other weapon lines in DW and 2H just offer nothing of that kind.
I could name Blade Cloak as something similar, but it only ticks every 3 seconds and doesn't even come close to Volley/Caltrops in terms of damage.
Only when the target offers the convenience to stand still. As in dummyThere are many other skills that do good/excelent damage. Twin Slashes for example.
Might be, but ESO is a game about DoTs, especially AoE DoTs.
2H and DW have AoE spells with DoT-components, but except DW with Blade Cloak they have no ability like Volley/Caltrops with
- A single cast
- Continuous AoE damage over a set period of time
- And if you use Volley + Caltrops you increase your overall AoE damage by a lot
It's not about wanting to run the latest meta build either, but if the combat expects you to have several DoTs/AoE DoTs up all the time to get a fast clear speed/good dps it's illogical and somewhat insulting to give those tools only to specific weapon lines.
This glaring limitation of especially 2H and DW doesn't help the already lacking build diversity one bit.
Seraphayel wrote: »ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »Seraphayel wrote: »Because that’s how the game is build. It’s exactly the same for MagDPS except you don’t have any weapon choice and MUST use Destruction Staff.
But you have three destro staffs, well two functionally, but three are in the game.
They share the exact same skills and function almost exactly the same. Please don’t try to sell the three types of Destruction Staves as options or diversity.
DocFrost72 wrote: »daedalusAI wrote: »daedalusAI wrote: »I'm rather annoyed that bow/caltrops are the only way to get persistent stamina damage on any stamina build, as the other weapon lines in DW and 2H just offer nothing of that kind.
I could name Blade Cloak as something similar, but it only ticks every 3 seconds and doesn't even come close to Volley/Caltrops in terms of damage.
Only when the target offers the convenience to stand still. As in dummyThere are many other skills that do good/excelent damage. Twin Slashes for example.
Might be, but ESO is a game about DoTs, especially AoE DoTs.
2H and DW have AoE spells with DoT-components, but except DW with Blade Cloak they have no ability like Volley/Caltrops with
- A single cast
- Continuous AoE damage over a set period of time
- And if you use Volley + Caltrops you increase your overall AoE damage by a lot
It's not about wanting to run the latest meta build either, but if the combat expects you to have several DoTs/AoE DoTs up all the time to get a fast clear speed/good dps it's illogical and somewhat insulting to give those tools only to specific weapon lines.
This glaring limitation of especially 2H and DW doesn't help the already lacking build diversity one bit.
Except unless you have a maelstrom bow carve and rending slashes do more damage. Adds die to whatever spammable aoe you use (jabs, power extract, noxious breath now- lol, sub assault, Ruinous scythe don't even need a weapon slotted to use). You want single target damage for bosses, if you're talking pve. The blender that is steel tornado/lightning heavy spam will blow up trash.
If you're dead set on having an aoe dot and don't want to use bow or pvp (the latter is kinda an assumption, lemme know if I'm wrong), play stam sorc to run hurricane, necro to run detonating siphon, or templar for retribution. Or, alternatively, use heavy attacks from 2H into carve to get the aoe dmg from the direct hit and the bleed during the downtime.
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Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »DocFrost72 wrote: »daedalusAI wrote: »daedalusAI wrote: »I'm rather annoyed that bow/caltrops are the only way to get persistent stamina damage on any stamina build, as the other weapon lines in DW and 2H just offer nothing of that kind.
I could name Blade Cloak as something similar, but it only ticks every 3 seconds and doesn't even come close to Volley/Caltrops in terms of damage.
Only when the target offers the convenience to stand still. As in dummyThere are many other skills that do good/excelent damage. Twin Slashes for example.
Might be, but ESO is a game about DoTs, especially AoE DoTs.
2H and DW have AoE spells with DoT-components, but except DW with Blade Cloak they have no ability like Volley/Caltrops with
- A single cast
- Continuous AoE damage over a set period of time
- And if you use Volley + Caltrops you increase your overall AoE damage by a lot
It's not about wanting to run the latest meta build either, but if the combat expects you to have several DoTs/AoE DoTs up all the time to get a fast clear speed/good dps it's illogical and somewhat insulting to give those tools only to specific weapon lines.
This glaring limitation of especially 2H and DW doesn't help the already lacking build diversity one bit.
Except unless you have a maelstrom bow carve and rending slashes do more damage. Adds die to whatever spammable aoe you use (jabs, power extract, noxious breath now- lol, sub assault, Ruinous scythe don't even need a weapon slotted to use). You want single target damage for bosses, if you're talking pve. The blender that is steel tornado/lightning heavy spam will blow up trash.
If you're dead set on having an aoe dot and don't want to use bow or pvp (the latter is kinda an assumption, lemme know if I'm wrong), play stam sorc to run hurricane, necro to run detonating siphon, or templar for retribution. Or, alternatively, use heavy attacks from 2H into carve to get the aoe dmg from the direct hit and the bleed during the downtime.
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you are forgetting a very important thing, enchants. with endless hail on your back bar, you literally have 97%+ uptime on a weapon damage enchant, you get 750+ weapon damage (after percentamps) for doing nothing but run through your rotation, this will happen, for stamina weapons, no other skill will give you that, not carve, not rending slashes, not even deadly cloak.
and your comparisons between an aoe ground based dot and single target bleeds (yes i know you can apply carve in an aoe but the bleed is a single target, as it follows the target you hit with it) is hilarious. they function completely different.
as for aoe spammables, most build dont even slot one of them, as most of them are very expensive stam wise and trash dies so fast to caltrops+hail, that you dont normally see people slot them. most people just drop caltrops and hail then use their single target spammable. the exception to this are whirling blades and reverse slice, as they double as executes as well as aoe spammabes.
then you act like people don't already use their class aoe dot, like hurricane, necro to run detonating siphon, or templar for retribution, though i would say that instead of RoR, a stamplar would be better off running shards, since that skill is the only reliable way to proc burning light from distance. people do. of course they do, when have you not seen hurricane on a stam sorc? detonating siphon is always front bar on a stamcer, for the passive 3% damage boost and the extra 10% crit in execute.
man do you even play this game.