So, i am eager to get started with my DK for elsweyr. Molten Whip is soo much damage on paper. Just hopped on and checked the tooltips. One fully procced molten, is the same damage as BOTH the Flame Whip and Lash proc. As in you get the same damage of the 2GCD attacks in just one GCD. Without having checked the exact numbers, it seems to be on par with the NB Spectral Bow, and thereby most ultimates... And this is just the actual molten whip hit - not accounting for the extra damage to already running DoTs from the 375 base wp/sp.
I am going to pair it with doylemish on a stam/hybrid DK, for an easy 10k nuke in no cp.
So why am i not seeing more DK’s running this? I know the heal is missed dearly. But the extra damage looks huge. Am i missing anything?
JumpmanLane wrote: »
You’re only missing that no one on the combat team pvps on a MagDk at a high level and you’d be better off running flame lash.
Molten is designed to “put whip on par with” whatever and is not a skill added to do so in a way you actually PLAY MagDk.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »who 3 page thread here about it-
Waffennacht wrote: »Doyle? Really? In this meta? Ok, I think everything but Doyle sounds great lol
I think I faced one this far. Hit like a truck - if he could pin me down - not easy to do with RAT being around
I just backbar blackrose resto and all heals are take care for (might as well get carried by it until ZOS hopefully nerfs it). Molten hits harder than flame-/powerlash + if my enemy dodge the procced Molten whip the stacks aren't consumed. It's one of the more busted stuff ZOS has thrown out in a while. "Casually" hitting people for 8-9k+ molten whips in no-cp without running any real damage set.
I just don't think it's a well designed skill, in fact I think it's rather poorly designed. I've tried it, I can definitely see the potential for huge burst, especially if you combo with it well, but it's come at the cost of losing the intended spammable for magDK (and the only good spammable for SnB magDK, to make matters worse), only to gain a more gimmicky version of frags or Grim Focus.
Losing a spammable doesn't matter against squishy players, because a solid Chains+Engulfing+Embers+Whip combo would drop most squishy players, but what about tankier players? You need a spammable to soften them up for burst, and most players are tanky in PVP. Using Molten Whip as a spammable works, but you're wasting any stacks you could have used for burst, which is a problem considering Molten Whip requires 3 GCD's to fully set up a burst window.
And that's the main reason why I'm sticking with Flame Lash. Molten can dish out more damage, but Flame Lash is just more reliable, because it is guaranteed that if you can Fossilize a target and land a single Lash against them, your next Lash will be a Power Lash proc, will deal more damage, and there's minimal setup you need to do for it (your combo could be Fossilize+Whip+Leap+Lash, and the Fossilize will almost guarantee the Leap will land, so the setup isn't just to amp up Lash, unlike Molten). The heal is just a bonus, IMO.
To help remedy it, one of two things need to happen, IMO. Either they need to introduce another spammable and give us the bar space to have Molten off to the side, like NB's would with Grim Focus or Sorc's would with frags, or they need to introduce some condition to the Molten proc, so you can use it as a spammable without wasting the stacks. Not sure what the condition should be (part of the reason why I feel it's poorly designed, the current design just doesn't lend itself to conditions well), maybe rework the stack bonuses so the first two only give passive weapon/spell damage, the third gives the extra damage to Molten, and only have the stacks consumed if all 3 are worked up. That way, I can leave Molten at 2/3 stacks, use it as a spammable a few times, then generate the third stack, and use it as burst after that.
Until then, I'm sticking with Flame Lash.
JumpmanLane wrote: »
You’re only missing that no one on the combat team pvps on a MagDk at a high level and you’d be better off running flame lash.
Molten is designed to “put whip on par with” whatever and is not a skill added to do so in a way you actually PLAY MagDk.
Trancestor wrote: »
Do they pvp on a high lvl on any class? Do they pvp at all?
Trancestor wrote: »
Do they pvp on a high lvl on any class? Do they pvp at all?
I guess Gilliam takes the spot there as best pvper among the devs (can not say for sure tough).
JumpmanLane wrote: »
^This! His explanation on why to run flame lash over molten. His description of how to run flame lash in particular. It’s how you PLAY MagDk. Doing silly, gimmicky setups to land a molten against a dangerous opponent (tanky, skilled,etc) is just poor, poor play.
You could get by with this sort of play against squishes, zerging. However, molten is gonna be a hinderace 1v1 against skilled players and 1vX against anybody. You’re better off with the heals.
I just don't think it's a well designed skill, in fact I think it's rather poorly designed. I've tried it, I can definitely see the potential for huge burst, especially if you combo with it well, but it's come at the cost of losing the intended spammable for magDK (and the only good spammable for SnB magDK, to make matters worse), only to gain a more gimmicky version of frags or Grim Focus.
Losing a spammable doesn't matter against squishy players, because a solid Chains+Engulfing+Embers+Whip combo would drop most squishy players, but what about tankier players? You need a spammable to soften them up for burst, and most players are tanky in PVP. Using Molten Whip as a spammable works, but you're wasting any stacks you could have used for burst, which is a problem considering Molten Whip requires 3 GCD's to fully set up a burst window.
And that's the main reason why I'm sticking with Flame Lash. Molten can dish out more damage, but Flame Lash is just more reliable, because it is guaranteed that if you can Fossilize a target and land a single Lash against them, your next Lash will be a Power Lash proc, will deal more damage, and there's minimal setup you need to do for it (your combo could be Fossilize+Whip+Leap+Lash, and the Fossilize will almost guarantee the Leap will land, so the setup isn't just to amp up Lash, unlike Molten). The heal is just a bonus, IMO.
To help remedy it, one of two things need to happen, IMO. Either they need to introduce another spammable and give us the bar space to have Molten off to the side, like NB's would with Grim Focus or Sorc's would with frags, or they need to introduce some condition to the Molten proc, so you can use it as a spammable without wasting the stacks. Not sure what the condition should be (part of the reason why I feel it's poorly designed, the current design just doesn't lend itself to conditions well), maybe rework the stack bonuses so the first two only give passive weapon/spell damage, the third gives the extra damage to Molten, and only have the stacks consumed if all 3 are worked up. That way, I can leave Molten at 2/3 stacks, use it as a spammable a few times, then generate the third stack, and use it as burst after that.
Until then, I'm sticking with Flame Lash.