In raw healing numbers, Soul Siphon is by far the highest healing ultimate. It also has the highest range of 28 meters, compared to 20m of Templar, 8m of the rest. Everybody in your group gets Major Vitality, further boosting heals. There are no limitations unlike the Templar ult, like being unable to move, while healing for more than Templar ult. There is an ally synergy available, which can hit as hard as Dawnbreaker with further heals.
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »In raw healing numbers, Soul Siphon is by far the highest healing ultimate. It also has the highest range of 28 meters, compared to 20m of Templar, 8m of the rest. Everybody in your group gets Major Vitality, further boosting heals. There are no limitations unlike the Templar ult, like being unable to move, while healing for more than Templar ult. There is an ally synergy available, which can hit as hard as Dawnbreaker with further heals.
Explained like that it seems overpowered.
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »In raw healing numbers, Soul Siphon is by far the highest healing ultimate. It also has the highest range of 28 meters, compared to 20m of Templar, 8m of the rest. Everybody in your group gets Major Vitality, further boosting heals. There are no limitations unlike the Templar ult, like being unable to move, while healing for more than Templar ult. There is an ally synergy available, which can hit as hard as Dawnbreaker with further heals.
Explained like that it seems overpowered.
You can cast it far more often than the others.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Well, Necromancers have an ultimate that can raise 3 players from the dead. That’s a powerful heal...
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »In raw healing numbers, Soul Siphon is by far the highest healing ultimate. It also has the highest range of 28 meters, compared to 20m of Templar, 8m of the rest. Everybody in your group gets Major Vitality, further boosting heals. There are no limitations unlike the Templar ult, like being unable to move, while healing for more than Templar ult. There is an ally synergy available, which can hit as hard as Dawnbreaker with further heals.
Explained like that it seems overpowered.
For PvP, Soul Siphon without a doubt. Here's a screenshot from a full-length Deathmatch on my brawler Stamina NB with only Resolving Vigor and Soul Siphon as healing abilities:
Mind you, this is from a pug group on a build not really optimised for group support at all. You can probably imagine what it can do on a MagNB PvP healer.
does healing ults scale off stamina if that one is higher? i know ults that say "deal magic damage" are better used from a mag char, and ults that say "deal pshysical damage" are better used from a stam char. But ults that say "healing X" can scale off stamina? for example a stamplar can heal just as good as a magplar with the ult?
does healing ults scale off stamina if that one is higher? i know ults that say "deal magic damage" are better used from a mag char, and ults that say "deal pshysical damage" are better used from a stam char. But ults that say "healing X" can scale off stamina? for example a stamplar can heal just as good as a magplar with the ult?
Yea, they scale off your highest stat.
One thing to consider though, if your highest stat is stamina it will use phys pen and weapon crit, and if your highest stat is magicka it will use magical pen and spell crit.
Emma_Overload wrote: »Wow, I didn't even know NBs HAD a healing ultimate!