There's not a whole lot they can do quickly for the server performance issue. It is better hardware that is required to stop this. What is happening is that there has been a huge influx of new players just recently to ESO which puts more bodies into one place.
The lag we have been experiencing lately (the problematic lag where you cannot cast skills etc) Is whats called a cpu throttle,
basically what that means is that the processor for which server you are on is receiving to many scripts for it to calculate at one time, and thus sort-of puts them in queue to be finished.
Now why it looks weird on your screen is because, alot of bits of the game are handled on your computer, the game server does not even render things its just funneling all the scripts and crunching all the numbers.
I am sure that ESO has top of the line hardware, and upgrading at this point may not even be possible.
The fact of the matter is, the things you see happening in ESO daily are almost impossible to create with the lack of lag that we actually have in the game ive always marveled at how they put so many skinned meshes and particle in the same view port and my computer hasn't exploded.
Im sure it will only get better, but we have to be patient and wait for the hardware to catch up with ESO.
This one the finger pointing goes to the guys at intel or amd or wherever eso is buying their stuff.
I know it doesn't help the lag, but maybe it helps to understand a little better why and how this is happening.
There's not a whole lot they can do quickly for the server performance issue. It is better hardware that is required to stop this. What is happening is that there has been a huge influx of new players just recently to ESO which puts more bodies into one place.
The lag we have been experiencing lately (the problematic lag where you cannot cast skills etc) Is whats called a cpu throttle,
basically what that means is that the processor for which server you are on is receiving to many scripts for it to calculate at one time, and thus sort-of puts them in queue to be finished.
Now why it looks weird on your screen is because, alot of bits of the game are handled on your computer, the game server does not even render things its just funneling all the scripts and crunching all the numbers.
I am sure that ESO has top of the line hardware, and upgrading at this point may not even be possible.
The fact of the matter is, the things you see happening in ESO daily are almost impossible to create with the lack of lag that we actually have in the game ive always marveled at how they put so many skinned meshes and particle in the same view port and my computer hasn't exploded.
Im sure it will only get better, but we have to be patient and wait for the hardware to catch up with ESO.
This one the finger pointing goes to the guys at intel or amd or wherever eso is buying their stuff.
I know it doesn't help the lag, but maybe it helps to understand a little better why and how this is happening.
Hey you dont like the facts. Its a cpu throttle. That is plain and simple what it is, and can only be slightly helped by optimizing. it requires more powerful hardware to solve. If you think money is the issue, you can by all means show us what hardware they can buy to rectify this, but as quantum computing is only still in development, and no where near usable for a game server, we must continue to use binary processors which heat up the more they are used and slow down the more they are heated up.
I mean i see what your saying up there above this response, do you have any valid evidence to support your claims? or are you just guessing?
Cuz im just sharing a lesson in game development for you, cuz yea i do a little of that, and i know exactly what im seeing..
You simply cannot CODE out a cpu throttle, and that is exactly what it is...
Did you happen to think that maybe all the add-on your running on your client may be calling info from the server and slowing down the chances of the script powering your dragon leap from getting through???
Hmmmmm interesting. perhaps the lag could be coming from players overusing addons?!??!? NOOOOOO WAAAAAY!!
yes way, thats exactly what they do.
But ESO didnt put those in for a reason right??
they prolly didnt want the server to throttle.
Like i said, im just trying to help you understand why. If you cant, then thats on you to do your homework.
Are you really trying to blame the deterioration of PvP performance on addons?
You think they dont call information from the server? and that the server is not throttled? Are you seriously asking me this question?
No they are not the cause, but it doesnt help does it? if your server is throttled and your calling extra information.. what do you think that does?
Use your maths
Okay.. client ask for 1 thing goes into server. server sends answer to client.
now multiple by 300 players 200 npc's and 50% of those players asking for 50 more things that the half that is not = duh
Like the math?
wasn't even too hard huh?
mmhmm. Thats what we are playing when you are pvping.
Hey you dont like the facts. Its a cpu throttle. That is plain and simple what it is, and can only be slightly helped by optimizing. it requires more powerful hardware to solve. If you think money is the issue, you can by all means show us what hardware they can buy to rectify this, but as quantum computing is only still in development, and no where near usable for a game server, we must continue to use binary processors which heat up the more they are used and slow down the more they are heated up.
I mean i see what your saying up there above this response, do you have any valid evidence to support your claims? or are you just guessing?
Cuz im just sharing a lesson in game development for you, cuz yea i do a little of that, and i know exactly what im seeing..
You simply cannot CODE out a cpu throttle, and that is exactly what it is...
Did you happen to think that maybe all the add-on your running on your client may be calling info from the server and slowing down the chances of the script powering your dragon leap from getting through???
Hmmmmm interesting. perhaps the lag could be coming from players overusing addons?!??!? NOOOOOO WAAAAAY!!
yes way, thats exactly what they do.
But ESO didnt put those in for a reason right??
they prolly didnt want the server to throttle.
Like i said, im just trying to help you understand why. If you cant, then thats on you to do your homework.
You dont work with clústers or servers, isnt It? And i suppose you dont know much about anticheating on online games isnt It? Well, is i told before, a concurrency problem can be slighty solved with better hardware yes, but only slighty until the architecture is well designed (or in this case, completely redesigned). Btw, and please, im saying It on a friendly way since i dont like conflicts at all, i doubt you can teach me something on game development architectures, maybe in use Unity or any other crappy engine, but telling that this is a cpu throtling problem says much about your knowledge on cs architectures.
Without a properly designed architecture (with good concurrency, queuing, prioritys and event organizing design), even a farm of 8180m (or the quantum processors you claim xd) is going to work as 9960, or worse. But hey! We can all wait for that quantum processors,... dont know if my age will let me see them
Describing the complexities that go into running an MMO doesn't excuse the terrible performance of this MMO in particular.
So your claiming when you cant get your skills to fire its not because of a server throttle? Because i develop in a crappy game engine. Im fairly sure once you have logged into your cyro you have gone past the issue of server clusters, as you do not really need to network from one server to another other than guild chats.
Other issues could be hardware damage simply from the overuse of the processors in the first place.
So i see that i can hardly teach you anything, and i am wrong. If so then how is it i am wrong.
Im also curious to why a server cluster networking issue should put my dragon leap in queue while im in cyro. I can see if i was trying to cast a dragon leap while i was being changed from one instance to another, then id say, hey that sure sounds like whats going on..
And yet the lag we have been suffering comes with the symptoms of what is commonly known as "skill lag" same thing you see in guild wars 2 when 300 people are in stone mist castle spamming skills. Its not an fps drop, im running at 60 fps when my skills do not fire, and its not a ping issue, im running at a solid 110ping (normal) when my dragon leap gets queued.
And sometimes it doesn't fire at all, since what i am seeing on my screen is a player im trying to dump my ult on that has, as far as the server is concerned has moved away, yet my computer hasnt received that info and updated yet.
So fine, im wrong. the server isnt throttled. And we do not need MUCH better hardware (being intel give you tiny little bit better when they put out a new processor, not really leaps and bounds)
Its simply a failure of what then? Please enlighten me.
Also quantum processors was an exaggeration, as the cost to running such a thing is at the moment too expensive to be supported by an mmo company, and they just dont work reliably yet since in the quantum world, things tend to do things like particles jumping through walls and doing whatever they want.
But i dont see how a server cluster is affecting skill lag in a single location in cyro, and even if it as a networking throttle.
well thats the same exact issue as a processor throttle isnt it? Just throttled at a different part of the hardware.
I am wondering if what you are saying, is that when you put 500+ skinned meshes in one place. And i doubt they are gpu rendered in eso, however even if they were, its not a rendering issue as we are running at 60 fps while being rendered on client side not server side. SO whats left? networking. yeah could be a network throttle why not. and a butt-load of scripts running. 500 animations calculating bone rotation, 1000s of particle systems being toggled on and off. 250+ extra add ons calling for server info. And all this going through one wire, and probably ending up being filtered through no more than 8 processors. for the cyro instance. and then shooting all the answers right back out through the same wire thats still feeding in more info. That we are probably not throttling the server when we do this?
How come when this happens everywhere else in the world, its a server throttle?
Why does it work normally as intended when there is lower populations in the instance, and when theres 300 players in one place that it happens?
Why is water wet?
Why is the sky blue?
Why do electrons act like a wave and a particle at the same time?
How could E=mc2 have been wrong?
Rebuttals come better with answers.
As i told you before, concurrency and architecture. Two things that u know NOTHING about so I won't try to explain you that better hardware can only be a patch, but never a solution (except if the other 2 are perfect, which are not). Zenimax has money, so i suppose they have tried first the easier, cheapest and fastest patch, that is... Oh yeah upgrading hardware. Since the game is not scalable with hardware is obvious that is an architecture and concurrency problem. But since you think this a conflict with me or something like that, hey, you have reason in all... Cpu throtling zenimax!! Just upgrade your servers and problem solved. They must be amazed in the office, finally a good analyst told them how to solve their main problem.
Bunch of relays, engines and data storage together in a network and channeled through an admin host server.
That are cpu throttled.
NOT that the network may not need improvement.
Not that the code cant be optimized
Not that add ons are not additional stress.
But skill lag is a cpu throttle, which is a hardware limitation.
The real problem here is people in the internet community are to busy calling everybody and everything ***, instead of being useful.
EVEN if i am entirely wrong, and i'm just a gamer, SO WHO GIVES A ***.
The post i made, was to help the guy understand that its not as easy as one might expect to improve performance.
whether it is the network, or the hardware, or a cpu throttle, or they didn't feed the hamsters that are powering the game,
it doesn't matter, because we have achieved the status by now of realizing -
that its not as easy as one might expect to improve performance.
And if you know it all, why aren't you working for eso fixing it? Sound to me like you think its a simple task.
you chose the conflict with me, you could have added something useful instead of trying to say I dont know ***, and eso dont know ***, and everyone don't know ***.
Clearly eso hosts one of the largest MMOs in the world, they know ***.
Clearly I know quite alot of ***.
All ive heard from you is an additional problem, and not once have you stated any reason to explain why you think it is an architecture problem, and not a cpu throttle. other than wanting to tell people they don't know ***.
Frankly i think there's enough info on this thread to give anyone questioning the lag enough info that "its not that easy"
And since arguing with you is as useful as a poopy flavored loli pop, im done here. enjoy the show.